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All governments limit freedom. Each and every law and regulation reduces your individual freedoms and choices. Very few are justifiable.

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Q: Does national government limit freedom of choice?
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Can the government limit your right to freedom of belief?

Nope, the US Constitution clearly states the freedom of belief.

How did federalism limit the power of the central government?

It creates two sovereigns, the national government and the state governments

When will government limit freedom of religion?

That is currently happening. Several governments limit the freedom of religion. As an example, in Iran, if you change your religion (from Muslim to something else) you can get executed for "apostasy".

Does federalism limit national power?

It creates two sovereigns, the national government and the state governments

Can the US government limit the national debt?

It can, by rational budget spending

How does the Bill of Rights limit the government?

The Bill of Rights limits government by giving citizens freedoms that cannot be taken away by the government such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right against search and seizure.

What do you think needs to be done today to protect individual freedom and self-determination?

Limit the power of the Federal Government.

What do you think need to be done today to protect individual freedom and self-determination?

Limit the power of the Federal Government.

What were the contradictory goals presented at the Constitutional Convention?

The goal was to strengthen the national government and to limit its power.

Why can the government limit freedom of belief?

I would say Yes. If your "belief" breaks some existing law, the government can limit that belief. For example, if you believed (for religious reasons) in human sacrifice, the government would, of course, frown on that.

Which of the following groups believed the Constitution would strengthen the national government?

The purpose of the Constitution was to limit the national government by specifically enumerating the powers it had, leaving the power in the hands of the American people and the individual states.