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Indirectly, yes it does. But it can only act on genotypes through their phenotypes.

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Q: Does natural selection act on genotypes?
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Why does natural selection work on organisms phenotypes rather than their genotypes?

This is backward, natural selection works on genotype not phenotype.

Is it true or false that a natural selection acts on phenotypes not genotypes?

It doesn't. Phenotypes are viable or not in a given environment, and this influences whether the corresponding genotypes get passed on. Selection works on genotypes via the effects of their expression, their phenotype. The answer you may be looking for is that phenotypes maladapted to their environment have less babies, and pass on less copies of their genes. "Natural selection" is the whole process over generations. "Selection" may refer to misadapted bodies/phenotypes reproducing less due to illness, hunger, bad quality territories, dying earlier, etc.

How are phenotypes and genotypes related to natural selection?

Natural selection favours phenotypes that bestow a reproductive advantage, thereby increasing the frequency of alleles (genotype) producing those phenotypes.

Why does natural selection only work on phenotypes?

Natural selection is based on the environment and on the traits of organisms. Organisms with more suitable traits are more likely to survive until reproductive age, while organisms with less suitable traits are more likely to die before they can reproduce. Most of these traits are genetic traits. The phenotype is the set of all genetic traits. Natural selection is not determined by genotypes, because genotypes are merely an organism's genetic makeup. Only the dominant or somewhat dominant alleles in the genotype will also appear in the phenotype. However, genotypes still contribute to natural selection indirectly in that two alleles in two parents' genotypes which had not appeared in their phenotypes could be inherited such that they are in the phenotype of the offspring.

Does natural selection act on the phenotype?


How is natural selection used in artificial selection?

Natural variation in artificial selection is used because humans choose from among the naturally occurring variation s in species. Natural selection is related to species fitness because Darwin called natural selection survival of the fittest because those that could survive would carry their species on there for being the naturally selected.

Why does the environment act on natural selection?

I know of no government that acts, in any direct or significant way, on natural selection.

Can natural selection act upon body shape?

Yes, that would be called the Homologous structure, and that changes in natural selection.

Can natural selection occur without variation in a population?

no there is no genetic variation for natural selection to act upon

What does natural selection only act on?

It acts on populations.

Why does natural selection act on the phenotype and not the genotype?

in need helpl asap

Is inheritance a requirement for natural selection?

Yes it does. Without variance in the organisms genome, that gives variance to the phenotype, there would be nothing for natural selection to select from.