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Q: Does natural selection cause favorable variation to rise use DDT example in mosquitos?
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Natural variation, natural selection, artificial selection, genetic engineering, etc.

What the difference of selection and variation?

Selection or 'Natural selection' means that the organisms that are better adapted to their environment are most likely to stay alive and produce offspring, while Variation means that during natural selection, the organism that is better adapted to the environment starts to form more physical features to help it survive (mutations). For example, Say that there was a white desert. If there were 2 mice, one species is black while the other is white, white would survive, which would be an example of Natural Selection. Variation is if, say, the mice are slow and can still be easy prey, but later on they mutate into becoming faster, that would be variation.

Natural selection acts on variation by?

Natural selection acts on variation by picking out from a population's gene pool those that are more fit to survive. More variation leads to more natural selection. For example, currently endangered cheetas are found out to have less genetic variation than other animals. As a result, if a disatrouous event occured, there are no genes that could help the cheetas survived. Thus, natural selection prevent the cheetas from reproducing as a population and they become extinct.

What id genetic variation?

Genetic Variation is a measure of the genetic differences there are within populations or species. For example, a population with many different alleles at a locus may be said to have a lot of genetic variation at that locus. Genetic variation is essential for natural selection to operate since natural selection can only increase or decrease frequency of alleles already in the population

What happens to the variation in traits which are under strong natural selection?

It depends on which form is being favored by selection. In directional selection, one of the extremes of the "bell curve" has the advantage. In this case selection will "drive" the variation toward one end. Example: a population of birds where long, narrow beaks have an advantage; variation will be pushed toward longer, narrower beaks until that stops being advantageous. On the other hand, sometimes selection favors the "middle of the road" form. In this case, the variation will be driven toward the middle and the extremes will drop away. For example, a population of moths where a medium shade of coloring has the advantage (not too light or too dark); in this case, you'll get more gray moths, less black and white. This is "stabilizing selection".

Is the variation in weight in human populations an example of discrete or continuous variation?

It is an example of continuous variations.

What must exist in a population before natural selection can act?

Competition + Variation. Classic example: Giraffes not always had long necks. There were variation in the species. When food sauces grew low competition increases and those with longer necks survived (more fruit/food at the top of trees) as they were more suited to the conditions. These long necked giraffes then breed and the offspring have long necks, thus natural selection of a "fitter" species. Hense - survival of the fittest.

Main difference between inherited variation and enviromental variation?

Inherited variation is what is passed on through genetics, for example, your eye color. Environmental variation is influnced by the environment, for example, scars or clothing styles.

The equation y 8x is an example of inverse variation is this true?

No. This is not true. It is false. The equation is an example of direct variation.

Is artificial slelction part of darwin's theory?

As an example of the selective mechanism, but artificial selection is directed by men and usually has a definite goal in mind. Natural selection is the selection of favorable variants, something like artificial selection, against the backdrop of the immediate environment. Artificial selection selects traits beneficial to the men doing the selection, while natural selections selects traits beneficial to the organism. Still, genes are changed over time in populations with both methods.

What is color variation?

Color variation is the difference in colors. For example, a car can come in several colors, this is color variation

What does it mean to be the most favorable?

By definition, favorable is: expressing approval, giving consent, helpful, encouraging, advantageous. To be the most favorable would then mean the most approving, helpful, encouraging (& so on). Example: "a most favorable wind", "I've just received the most favorable answer".