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Yes, i have Experience. but you might what to do it 2 or 3 times to make sure.

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Q: Does nix effectively kill lice and their nits?
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Does NIX strip hair color?

doe nix lice treatment harm bleahed processed hair

How can lice occur?

well if someone has lice and gets close to you it can jump to your head, but, don't worry nix lice treatment works great!

Why doesn't rid or nix work on head lice?

This only loosens the lice you need a special comb to remove them

Is selsum blue shampoo good for head lice?

That is for dandruff, lice is an actual bug in the hair and dandruff is dry skin. There is a shampoo called Nix I think for lice.

How do you treat an allergic reaction to lice?

When I had lice it was a nightmare. (Always remember to not share hairbrushes and ect.) But to get rid of it we bought perscription lice head medicine and a nix comb ( any close brittled comb will do). Then we rubbed in the medicine , rinsed , combed through hair to get out lice.And remember to do the so to treatmeant again in ten days or so to make sure the lice are gone. Next pick out all the nits ( louse eggs) everyday. We used a black light and it helped a lot. We picked out a ton of nits when we used it! So if this doesn't work for you i'm sorry but this is just what we did that worked and i'm sorry. You might need to ask your doctor for some advice aswell.

What is head lice treated with?

Cases of head lice are usually treated with sham-poos or rinses containing either lindane (Kwell) or permethrin (Nix).

What kind of oil do you need to put in your hair to kill lice?

I tried this, the vinegar did kill them, wet your hair in the vinegar and leave a shower cap on for couple of hours, not only did it kill them, the nits dislodged and came off into the comb very easly

What color are lice nits?

Hatched nits are clear or white, and the live ones are a darker color such as tan, black, or brown. You can also tell by popping them, if you can pop the egg it's alive! If it doesn't op or there's nothin in it then they are simply hatched. Use lice ice, nix, coconut shampoo, and vinegar also works. Nasty things they are

How do you kill nix from infamous 2?

you beat the game on EVIL and on the final mission you kill her OR go on UGC and make a level with her than kill her

What is the best hair dye to use to treat head lice?

People used to douse their hair in kerosene, and put it in a plastic bag for ten minutes back before over the counter rinse was created. I would try Nix Cream Lice Rinse.

What word comes from the latin word Snow White?

Nix Candida (tale) Nix pallidus

What is the birth name of Martha Nix?

Martha Nix's birth name is Martha Aileen Nix.