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Q: Does nystatin cure excema
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What can I use for excema?

I'd go to a doctor and see about it, but in the meantime here is a link to a wikihow article on how to cure it :

What are some effective ways of treating excema?

I too was an Excema victim, and I'm not a doctor, but over the years, my skin is looking as radiant as possible.To my knowledge, Excema is a common infection on the top layer of your skin. Normally, excema is caused by stress or even allergic reactions. Excema is still cureable for break outs, but sadly, the redness is a bit challenging. It would be best to use a moisturizing soap, such as Ivory or Dove, on your face, or wherever your Excema is, to cure it of its dryness. You'll notice your Excema vanishing IF it's an allergic reaction in about 2 weeks if you use these products, but if it's stress you're dealing with, it would be best to continue this moisturization process until you see full results.I absoulutely know how embarrassing it is to show your excema. I dealt with it for 21 years!After you're confident your Excema is gone, the redness remains. Trust me, this one remedy will cure it for good!Take oatmeal (regular, warm temp.) and apply it as a paste to where the Excema is for about 20 minutes. The nutrients in it will soak into the skin, relieving it of its dryness. If you don't have oatmeal on hand, create a paste using honey and lemon to see perfection in 1 week. Only do this remedey twice.Well, there you go! That's what helped cure my Excema, and I hope it works for you too! Ofcourse, if this doesn't work, don't visit the dermatolagist! Continue this method, washing your Excema with moisture, and soon, you WILL see results!After you're Excema IS gone, make sure to keep the area moisturized at all times. Aveeno Lotion is highly recommended.

Does excema hurt?

yes i have excema and when the pus starts leaking from inflamed wounds it hurts yes.

How are nystatin cream and nystatin triamcinolone cream different?

nystatin does not contain a steriod.

How are nystatin cream and nystatin-triamcinolone cream different?

nystatin does not contain a steriod.

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Can you use nystatin to treat exzema?

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What is betamethasone?

mild cases of atopical dermatitis/excema

What is Betamethasone for?

mild cases of atopical dermatitis/excema

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What are some good ointments for excema?

There are some ointments for excema. Some of them include Hydrocortisone Cream, Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment, Absorbase, and Elidel. It seems that Elidel and Absorbase are the best.