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No only for the amount of time that it takes to generate enough chlorine an average this is a minimum of 6 hours per day.

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Q: Does one need to run a saltwater chlorine generator all the time?
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How do you get the free chlorine level down in your saltwater pool?

To give you an accurate answer, it's important to know how many gallons are in the pool, how high is your Free Available Chlorine (FAC), and what is your Combined Chlorine Reading. Is pool enclosed and protected from sun etc? Is your chlorine generator working properly? You could simply shut down the generator and test your pool everyday at the same time. Keep records of pH, Free Chlorine, Combined Chlorine, Alkalinity, etc. It's important that you maintain a proper pH at ALL TIMES.

How do you convert a saltwater pool to a chlorine pool?

Turn of the salt water chlorination and start adding chlorine the same as you would in an ordinary pool. The salt water in the pool will become less salty over time so you don't have to worry about changing the water. You could tidy it up a little by removing the saltwater chlorinator element or you could just leave it.

Would there ever be a need to add chlorine tablets to a salt water pool?

If the chlorine generator inst run sufficient time or there is a period where an exesive amount of bio material enters the water a litle additional chlorine may at times be an advantage rather then run the filtration equipment longer.

Would you ever need to put chlorine in a salt water pool?

chlorine is generated from salt by a process called electrolysis. The salt water passes through an electrically charged cell. this process physically separates the "sodium chloride" molecule, which produces chlorine.

If you want a saltwater pool can you just put salt in and let the pool pump do the rest or do you need to have a saltwater system?

You need a saltwater system. The unit converts the salt (NaCl) to chlorine gas (Cl) within a chamber using electricity then (almost) immediately converts it back again to salt. The cycle is continuous, therefore your pool water is 'sanatized' with chlorine whenever the pool pump is running - just a little bit at a time. Apparently the technology was first adopted in Australia 30+ years ago. I just purchased a unit in Canada for CDN$1750 installed for a 18x36 inground pool.

Can you put bleach in a kitty pool?

Yes but you also need chlorine stabilizer (CYA) or the chlorine will be destroyed by sunlight in a very short time or you need to add the bleach in doses thoughout the day to maintain the chlorine level. Bleach is the same as liquid pool chlorine but at a lower concentration.

The Green Power Generator: Helping the Environment a Little at a Time?

Choose to purchase a green power generator the next time that you need a generator for your home or commercial space. This type of generator utilizes natural power, such as solar or wind, to create additional power that you might need in emergency situations. Green generators are becoming increasingly more popular as people are becoming more environmentally conscious. Purchase a green generator so that you can do your part to help make the world a better place.

Need of time base generator?

Yes and a flux capacitor and time occelating drive. You can't find those outside of Grox space

Do all countries use chlorine?

Chlorine is not a time zone.

How often does a pump need to run in order to maintain chlorine level with a chlorine generator?

Summertime = depending on your system = 8 -12 minimum and could be as much as 18 hrs. daily. Start at 8 hrs. - if that will not maintain water clarity boost in one hour increments until clarity is achieved. By "clarity" I mean being able to nearly read a quarter when it is at the bottom of the deepest end of the pool. Along with boosted run time, you also have to maintain chlorine and pH levels either manually or mechanically Ken.

Which Detroit based online stores have saltwater fishing reels on sale?

Fishing is a great past time. Bass Pro shops is based in Detroit and has every saltwater fishing reel you may need. They frequently have sales on most of their items.

Always Have Spare Gas For A Generator?

Gas turbine power generation will not be possible at all if you do not have any gas for the generator. You should always keep some in a safe place so that you have it when you need it. Remember that you will probably not have time to get it if a real emergency comes up. You need to know that it will be available so that you do not have to waste any time.