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Q: Does one type of light travel faster then another in a vacuum?
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Does light travel faster in a vacuum?


What does light travel faster in?

It travels fastest in a vacuum.

Does light travel faster in glass then it does in a vacuum?

No, slower.

What does light travel faster through?

Light travels fastest through vacuum.

What type of light waves can travel through a vacuum?

Light spectrum is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Electromagnetic waves travel better and faster (light speed in vacuum) in vacuum.

Does everything travel faster through a vacuum?

Light travels faster through a vacuum. Velocity does not change in a vacuum, so objects retain their original speed and direction unless acted upon by another force, like gravity.

Can anything travel faster than the speed of light through a vacuum?


What does sound go faster through a vacuum or a solid?

Sound travels faster through a solid than through a vacuum. In a solid, sound waves propagate through the material's molecules, leading to faster transmission. In a vacuum, there are no molecules to transmit sound, so it cannot travel at all.

Can X-rays travel faster then yellow light in a vacuum?

No. All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the speed of light.

Does light travel faster through air water vacuum or glass?

it travels faster through air.

Why does light travel faster through empty space than matter?

It doesn't travel faster through a vacuum. In our Universe there is no such thing as empty space.

Why doesn't light travel through a vacuum?

Light does travel through a vacuum.