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Q: Does ordering your credit report from cost money?
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Related questions

What does HC mean on a credit report?

HC on a credit report means High Credit. This is the highest amount of money a creditor has issued to you in the past.

Does a credit agency have to notify you of money due before they report to the credit agency?


If a credit card company says you owe them money but it is not on your credit report do you have to pay?

If it isn't on your credit report, the credit card company still has hopes of you paying it off. When they see that isn't going to happen, you can bet your butt that it WILL be on your credit report.

How can one clear their credit report?

There are many ways one can clear their credit report. One can clear their credit report using popular on the web sources such as MSN Money, Lexington Law, and Nolo.

If someone owes you money can you put a notice on their credit report of upcoming lawsuit even before judgment occurs?

If someone owes you money, you can not put a notice on their credit report of an upcoming lawsuit. A judgment must be entered in court, before it can be reported to a credit report.

How can you find out what companies you owe money to?


What is a Credit Grantor on your credit report?

A credit grantor is the bank or lending institution that has loaned you money or given you a line of credit such as a credit card.

Where can one get their own credit rating report in Canada?

The best place to get a credit rating report in Canada is through Equifax. The other place to get a credit report would be through Transunion. However, obtaining a report may cost a person money.

Is there a dollar amount for collection agency's to report to the credit bureau?

A collection agency can report you to the credit bureau for any amount of money. There are agencies that will report for amounts under a hundred dollars.

Where can you get an instant credit report?

Instant credit reports can be found by filling out a few stuff online. But most likely they will cost money since not all credit report places are free.

How can you find the perfect credit report score?

The best way to recieve an accurate credit report score is to speak with ones bank or accountant. Credit report scores often cost money to obtain but are needed for many investments.

What is the site you can get credit report?

In the United States, you are entitled to one free credit report each year from each credit reporting agency. There are three major credit reporting agencies and they have set up a site to assist you in obtaining your free annual credit report. It is This is the only website where you can get your credit report for free. Any other website will charge you money.