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It does kill them but only if you hit them with it. once it dries it is harmless to them. It may repell them a little. The best stuff I have seen that works is sold at the hardware store. It is a powder diatect's powder. Can be found at major retailers acrosss the country. here is how you do it. Get dry ice put it in a bowl that is super slippy. use that as a trap with masking tape to the floor for them to climb up. They use carbon that we breath out to find us for our blood. Wash cloths and dry at high temp. above 125 degrees that will kill them. Use the powder on ur base boards and bed. If they are in ur couch throw it out. sorry bud sucks but its the best thing you could do. Sweep and wash ur matress with Clorox bleach and water. spray and wipe. Then bag the matress or cover it using packing tape to keep bugs out. Vaccume all drawers cupbords and floors. Use a steam cleaner on ur carpets. Boil hot water in a kettle and add the to the hot water from sink. to fill ur rented floor cleaner then the normal cleaner that u normally would use to clean floors.. That will cook them out of the floors make sure the water is always above 150 degrees. Walmart or the hardware store has something to watch that temp. Use your ortho to kill any that u see with ur eyes as ur cleaninig once it drys it is harmless to aninmals and children. ur matress will be in plastic for the next 3 weeks. that gives the powder to kill the eggs that may hatch. Every week retreat your draws floors baseboard leave ur cloths in plastic bags and use carpet tape (double sided) around the bags in a closit where the bugs get stuck if they try to get in them. Keep the cloths removed from the house after being cleaned. in ur car or whatever not in the house until you cleaned it. ur two sided tape is there to protect them over the next 3 weeks after ur house is cleaned. once a week after re wash the floors in every room with hot hot hot water. them use the powder again and use the ortho again. And wash top to bottom all furnature and cupbords again. Here is a trick for ur electronics but don't for get them. Set ur oven to 135-150 put ur alarm clock in other electronics. put the powder around the base of other electronicks that won't fit followed by two sided tape. then they die right after walking out and they are stuck with what ever they bring. Goodluck

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11y ago

Ortho home defense contains bifenthrin wich kills insects. It may kill bed bugs but it doesnt seams to be an specified agent for bugs.

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Does bed defense kill bed bugs?

Ortho home defense contains bifenthrin wich kills insects. It may kill bed bugs but it doesnt seams to be an specified agent for bugs.

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One home remedy to kill water bugs is vinegar. This will repel the bugs.

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Lime kill most of the home bugs incluiding bedbugs.

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No it doesnt usually you have to use pesticide to kill the bugs.-_-'

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use that spray that kills can get it at like home depot and it will kill them

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Home cleaners are usually not specialised in bedbugs. They might even refuse to clean if confronted, because they may get the bugs in their clothing or tools.

How quick does Ortho mouse trap kill the mouse?

If you are refering to the Orth Home Defense Max Kill and Contain Mouse Traps, depending on the size of the mouse the mouse will either be killed instantly, or, for larger mice, the trap contains them and they will die from hyperthemia. These traps are really inhumane unless you let the mice out away from your house - we tried live traps and they did not work, but caught two within minutes of putting out these Ortho "kill and contain" traps -- they only contain. Please, if you use these effective traps, take the trap and drive a bit and let the poor mouse out in a field or just away from your home instead of throwing out the trap in the garbage to die a miserable death!

Herbal remedies to kill bed bugs?

The best way to kill bed bugs is with blitz bed bugs. Here is the website :)

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That the lady bugs have grenades? Lady bugs typically eat sap suckers, such as aphids, rather than blood suckers. Also, they secrete fluids that you would probably not want in your home.

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pince Spiders and kill bugs for u

How long do you dry clothing to kill bed bugs?

at least 2 hrs in the dryer will kill these bugs

What is the plug-in to kill bugs insects inside the home?

With the exception of one's for flies, they are not effective. Every home should have a light trap for flying insects.