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Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. Their origin and composition are uncertain.

One theory is impact disruption, similar to current theories regarding Earth's own moon's origin. Phobos appears to have a porous interior, suggesting phyllosilicates and other minerals known from Mars

Another theory is asteroid capture, but their orbital characteristics are unusual for captured objects. Also, while visible and near-infared spectral anaysis of the moons is consistent with outer belt asteriods, infared spectral analysis of phobos is not consistent with meterorites of any kind.

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I don't think the moon has the same elements as mars moon.

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unlike our moon they are not spheres because of their asteroid origin.

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Does Mars planet have a moon or moons?

Mars has two moons. The bigger one is called Phobos and the smaller one is called Deimos. They're believed to be captured asteroids.

Do the inner planets share the same moon?

No. The moons of a planet belong to that planet alone. Of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus have no moons, Earth has one large moon (the moon), and Mars has two small moons named Phobos and Deimos.

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No, some planets like Mercury and Venus don't have any moons. Earth has one moon, Mars has two moons, and the outer planets have lots of moons. Jupiter has more than 60.

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Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos. The stars seen in the sky of Mars are the same ones we see from Earth.

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Mars is about twice as big as the Moon.

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There are no moons are planets actually on Mars as moons and planets orbit out in space. You see much the same planets from Mars as you do from Earth, except Earth is visible as one of the brightest objects in the sky. Mars itself has two small moons named Phobos and Deimos.

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1 sun (the same as ours) and 2 moons (Phobos and Deimos).

Does Mars have any suns or moons?

Mars shares the same sun as the Earth does.It has two tiny moons: Phobos and Deimos, both believed to be captured asteroids.

How do Mars' moons stay in their orbits around Mars?

The answer is the same for the moons of Mars as it is for any orbiting object. Angular momentum keeps them up, and gravitation keeps them from flying away. Those are the two balanced forces.

Does Mars have a sun?

No, it does not. The earth has a moon, and Mars does not. It is earth's moon, earth and the sun that are involved in eclipses. All of them. Without a moon, Mars cannot experience an eclipse.

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they can appear at the same time

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