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Q: Does patient with cornea abrasion need a tetanus shot?
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What can you do to avoide tetanus?

you need a jab

Does gallbladder surgery include tetanus shot?

No, you do not need a tetanus shot for gall bladder surgery.

How long after injury do you get tetanus shot?

Even to day, some one comes and ask for ATS injection. Anti tetanus serum injection is very dangerous to give. The patient may get the anaphylactic reaction. This preparation is no longer used. Any serum preparation is dangerous. You need to be protected by anti tetanus injection. With proper wound care the anti tetanus serum is not required.

Why might one need to get corrective surgery?

Corrective surgery is often performed as a treatment to treat abnormalities or problems with a patient. For example, LASIK eye surgery is often performed to reshape the cornea to eliminate the need for contact lenses or glasses.

Does tetanus require Ventilatory assistance devices?

Head trauma devices may need to be used because of tetanus

Why do you need the tdap?

To prevent tetanus, diphtheria and pertusis.

Why do horses need a tetanus shot after injury?

Horses need a booster shot for Tetanus because the bacteria could have gotten into the wound and cause and infection which would be fatal to the horse.

What do you need to do when you step on a rusty nail?

You need to wash the affected area immediately with soap and water, then you need to make certain that your tetanus shot is current. If not you should cover the wound with a clean dry piece of gauze and seek medical attention for a tetanus booster shot to protect you.

Anti-tetanus serum is given in an emergency situation while tetaanus toxoid is given to prevent tetanus infection. May I know which one of these vaccines need a skin test?

anti tetanus serum

Do children need a tetana shot?

Do you mean tetanus? If so - yes.

What is the chances of being cured if you got tetanus?

You would need a miracle

Why anti tetanus serum and tetanus toxoid given simultaneously to patient with dirty wounds?

You give the antitetanus serum because it contains passive antibodies that can immediately start attacking any antigens if present. While that is going on, the body reacts to the toxoids injected into it by producing its own antibodies, this process is slow thus we need the antitetanus serum for immediate protection.