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You would need a miracle

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Q: What is the chances of being cured if you got tetanus?
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What is the chances of being cured if you got the influenza?

You are able to get cured easily from Influenza between 1-2 weeks. Influenza also means flu.

Is it true that there is no medicine for people who have vitiligo?

I think you have a wrong information, the reason behind the same is there are 100s of doctors who have treated disease like Vitiligo. The chances of getting cured depends upon the time for which you are affected by Vitiligo. If you got infected recently then there are 90% chances that you'll get cured.

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What do you do if a nail got in your foot?

have it removed and get a tetanus shot

What are the chances of being fataly injured?

I've heard 1 in 1681 a year, don't know where I got it

How can tetanus cause a disease?

Tetanus is a virus and causes what is called lockjaw. Tetanus refers to titanic contracture of muscle, usually in the neck and head. These are most pronounced and noticeable as clenching the jaw, and so it got its name.

I am trying to read my child's medical card report and looking for code that represents when he got a tetanus shot. Is it TDAP or DPT?

Both are types of tetanus shots.

How many people got cured from the black death?

no one

Does Alex Mercer get cured?

yup alex mercer got cured because captain cross injected the cure to alex mercer

If you got poked with a rusty wire form a tire blowout and have gotten a tetanus shot should you get another tetanus shot or any other kind of shot?

I stepped upon a rusty nail once. My doctor indicated that a tetanus booster is recommended if your most recent tetanus vaccination was more than 10 years ago.

If you got a tetanus booster at the beginning of a school year and keep on missing the dates to get the second booster can the vaccine hurt you?

Tetanus boosters are good for 10 years.If you go past the 10 year mark,the other booster wont hurt you when you get it.I got a Tetanus shot in 1994 and that is the first one I ever remember having.I felt fine after having it.

How could the black death be cured in the middle ages?

The City Got Burned