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Pelvic pain doesn't happen instantly upon becoming infected with chlamydia. It is a longer term symptom of the infection.

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Q: Does pelvic pain happen instantly with chlamydia?
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Related questions

What is the worst chlamydia can do?

The worst outcomes of chlamydia are infertility and chronic pelvic pain.

Can chlamydia cause discharge?

Yes, chlamydia can cause discharge, irregular vaginal bleeding, and lower abdominal or pelvic pain. If you're having these symptoms, you may be experiencing pelvic inflammatory disease, a possible complication of chlamydia. Contact your health care provider today for urgent evaluation.

Can pelvic pain be due to PID if you were treated for chlamydia two years ago?

It is possible to be caused by PID.

Why is chlamydia such a threat to females?

Chlamydia is a threat to women because 80 to 90% have no symptoms, and yet it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which may result in chronic pain or infertility. PID can occur after brief infection with chlamydia, even in women without noticeable symptoms.

What are the long-term and short-term effects of trichomoniasis?

For 80-90% of women and half of men, chlamydia causes no symptoms at all. If someone has symptoms, the short-term effects may include genital discharge, pain with urination, and irritation at the urethral opening. Untreated chlamydia can cause long-term effects include infertility and chronic pelvic pain.

Is chlamydia always painful?

Chlamydia may cause painful urination, as well as pelvic, scrotal, eye, or mild throat pain. Most people get no symptoms, though.

10. What serious infection of the reproductive organs can result if chlamydia is left untreated?

Untreated trich can cause symptoms, but not serious complications.

Can chlamydia and and kidney and urinary tract infection have similar symptoms?

Yes. Both chlamydia and urinary tract infection can cause pelvic pain and painful urination. If you have any symptoms of urinary tract, kidney or similar infections of the reproductive organs, you should consult a physician.

What does the medical abbreviation PID mean?

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or Position-Indicating DevicePID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Inflammation of the female pelvic organs (especially the Fallopian tubes) caused by infection by any of several microorganisms (chiefly gonococci and chlamydia); symptoms are abdominal pain and fever and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Why does untreated chlamydia cost the NHS so much?

Untreated chlamydia is the leading cause of female infertility, which is very costly to treat (e.g. with in vitro fertilization). In addition, it can cost chronic pelvic pain, which has no definitive treatment.

How do you differentiate pelvic inflammatory disease from yeast?

The signs and symptoms are nothing alike. A yeast infection typically causes skin irritation or itching in the genital area, but not pelvic pain or tenderness on exam. Pelvic inflammatory diseases causes pelvic pain, pain on palpation of the ovaries/tubes, and pain with cervical motion.

What is the icd 9 code for chronic pelvic pain?

The ICD-9 code for chronic pelvic pain is 614,9. However for regular pelvic pain the ICD-9 code is 625,9. The pelvic pain that persists for a period of 6 months or more to be considered chronic while less than this duration is considered acute.