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Yes photosynthesis stores energy and respiration releases energy

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Q: Does photosynthesis deposit energy in earths saving account for living organisms?
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Earths atmosphere was first changed by?


How would earths atmosphere be different if organisms capable of photosynthesis not evolved?

It will remain as reductive atmosphere. Ther will be only gases like NH3, H2 , H2S. H2O. There would be no life

What was the earths atmosphere before photosynthesis?

Without life because when plants do photosynthesis, they produce oxygen.

What process adds oxygen to earths atmosphere?


What process is responsible for producing earths oxygen?


What do scientists think was the of the oxygen in earths atmosphere?

It came from primitive organisms early in earth's history. They were the first organisms to use photosynthesis to make food, by using light to convert Carbon dioxide and water into glucose (food) and oxygen. Since oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis, it was released into the air. As more and more of these organisms multiplied, large amounts of oxygen were released into the air, forming today's atmosphere.

What do scientist think was the source of the oxygen in earths atmosphere?

It came from primitive organisms early in earth's history. They were the first organisms to use photosynthesis to make food, by using light to convert Carbon dioxide and water into glucose (food) and oxygen. Since oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis, it was released into the air. As more and more of these organisms multiplied, large amounts of oxygen were released into the air, forming today's atmosphere.

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What produces most of the earths atmospheric oxygen?

The majority of Earth's atmospheric oxygen is produced by marine phytoplankton through the process of photosynthesis. These microscopic organisms play a crucial role in the oxygen cycle by converting carbon dioxide and sunlight into oxygen.

What added oxygen to earths early atmosphere?

Photosynthesis by plants

What component of the earths atmosphere exists as a result of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide into oxygen. Therefore, much of the oxygen in our atmosphere is present due to photosynthesis.

What is Earths biosphere is?

living organisms - study island answer (: