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Q: Does plaque in arteries reduce after stopping smoking?
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How would deposits on the walls of arteries affect the flow of blood moving through the body?

ANSWER:The clogging of the arteries is caused by several factors related to coronary artery disease when fatty deposits of cholesterol and other substances stick to the arterial walls and create plaque. In response to plaque build-up, cells in your artery walls multiply and secrete additional substances that can worsen the state of clogged arteries. As plaque deposits grow, a condition called atherosclerosis results. This condition causes the arteries to narrow and harden. Arterial plaque can reduce blood flow or, in some instances, block the artery. Clogged arteries greatly increase the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, and even death.

Is atherosclerosis an inflammatory disease?

Atherosclerosis is a kind of disease in which plaque starts to build up on the insides of your arteries. Arteries are the blood vessels which mainly carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body. The Plaque contains mostly fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque gets hard and narrows your arteries. The flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body will start to reduce. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack, stroke, or even death.

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What are some early interventions for PAD?

may include medical treatment to reduce the underlying causes: lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, stopping smoking, increasing exercise.

Does EDTA reduce arterial plaque?

I am 49 years old EDTA, reduced my cholesteral by 100 points in 2007. If cholesteral creates plaque then it should reduce it. Any quesitons send to

How does smoking affect childbirth?

Smoking can reduce the amount of oxygen the baby recieves.

How does smoking effect running?

Smoking can weaken the lungs and reduce breathing capacity. Also smoking can reduce oxygen level of blood thus blood can not carry enough oxygen to the necessary organ.

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Because it reduce the formation of plaque and it prevents dental carries....

How can you reduce cancer caused by smoking?

As far as we know now, the only effective means is not smoking.

What effect does a diet with high saturated fat have?

Assuming it comes from natural sources such as meat, eggs, fish, nuts etc then it can improve glycaemic control, reduce insulin levels, improve atherogenic lipid profiles, aide weight loss, and provide a safe source of energy.

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