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Q: Does politics inherently involve conflict
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What is inherently involved in politics?

Money and power.

What is the difference between non- political and political?

an activity of men that does not involve conflict of interests and power relationships.

Does oil involve politics?

try reading the book the Global politics....

Does butch still involve in politics?


What are the two basic modes of politics in the context of social relations?

politics as cooperation or integration politics as conflict

What are the differences between politics and government?

government is an institution of a state in which it makes and enforces laws while politics is the management of ones society. government has to do with some choosen people while politics involve everbody, every body are involve in politics but few are involve in government. without politics there will not be government.

What organizations tries to involve older people in politics?


Can Christian involve in politic?

Yes Christians can take part in politics.

Is thank you m'am an internal or external conflict?

The statement thank you ma'am doesn't involve any conflict.

How are internal and external conflict similar?

They are both types of conflict and they both involve the main character or protagonist.

Most attempts at colonization involve some form of?


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