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I did this for an experiment in sciece and the amount of butter doesn't make a difference in the popping.

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Q: Does popcorn pop more efficiently with or without butter?
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Is popcorn fatening?

All food has calories. Popcorn is very low in calories, high in fiber. Few people have ever gotten fat on popcorn, unless they cook it in high oil and drown it in butter. The high levels of salt often found can also cause problems.

Does the amount of butter affect the amount of kernels popping in popcorn?

Yes, in fact, it does. Each kernel of popcorn contains a certain amount of moisture and oil, and if altered with flavoring or butter amount, then the corn will pop a greater or less amount of popcorn.

How do you make microwave popcorn even more buttery?

Add your own butter after popping

Does popcorn make you age faster?

No. However, popcorn is essentially "empty" carbohydrates, which are somewhat more likely to contribute to weight gain than protein or fats. Believe it or not, the butter on the popcorn is probably better for you than the popcorn!

Which popcorn takes up more room yellow or white?

Yellow popcorn comes in most corn kernel bags. Although it isn’t really yellow until you put butter on it, we define it as yellow because it is more yellow than “White” popcorn. White popcorn, the anomaly, comes from the bags of corn kernels that say “White Popcorn” on the label. Obviously, we define it as white because it is not yellow. Yellow popcorn pops larger but has more hulls. White popcorn has fewer hulls and is slightly sweeter.

Why buy popcorn salt?

Popcorn salt is usually more refined than table salt. One grain of the popcorn salt is smaller than one grain of table salt. It sticks to the popcorn better. Gold Medal makes Flavacol, which is an excellent butter flavored popcorn salt. Great on baked potatoes also.

What is a sentence that is a simile using the word popcorn?

The sparse clouds looked like popcorn on a light blue counter top.

What is the difference of popcorn with salt and popcorn without salt?

The difference is salt has more flavor on things and no salt makes it tasteless.. and also one has NO salt.

You like to eat plain salty popcorn will you become fat?

Possibly. If it has butter and you eat lots, yes. But the salt is more an issue of concern.

Is popcorn a heterogeneous or a homogeneous?

Probably heterogeneous. The composition is not the same at every point in the substance (some areas may have more butter, others more salt)...

Is popcorn healthy?

Yes popcorn is a VERY delicious treat/snack my friend ! So pop a bag and watch a movie or something ! =] popcorn is awesome! and it is healthy too!(its nice and buttery) Popcorn is my favorite food in the world. It tastes VERY good and it is healthy just as long as you didnt put too much botter or salt on it. My family cant live with popcorn! LOL

Is popcorn more healthier than potato chips?

Without butter and anything else added to it yes. You have to determine what type it is before this answer can be properly answered though. If you are eating movie theatre popcorn drenched in butter then no. There are also new types of chips that are low to no fat with half of the calories.