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Q: Does potassium nitride prevent effects of nuclear fallout?
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Is potassium used as nuclear reactor coolant?

No. Potassium is probably one of the worst things to have anywhere near a reactor for the purposes of cooling.

Use emission in a sentence?

The effects of the radioactive emission from the tsunami hit Japanese nuclear power plant still lingers, and will linger for many more years.

Do nuclear power plants pollute more than coal power plants?

No. Nuclear power is more efficient because nuclear power is used as splitting atoms, making big bursts of energy, whereas coal power is simply burning coal. So nuclear power uses uranium fission to create energy (electricity), whereas coal power burns coal, emitting carbon. (Mind you, nuclear energy leaves behind radioactive waste - that is arguably easier to deal with for the time being. Not to mention that accidents at nuclear plants can have devastating environmental effects.

Is a hydrogen bomb the same as a nuclear bomb?

Hydrogen bombs, or thermonuclear explosives, are one form of nuclear weapon, gaining a tremendous increase in explosive power from the fusion of atoms. This is the opposite of the fission reaction, which generates energy by splitting a larger atom into smaller ones. But the fusion bombs currently used require a fission trigger, which means they still produce radioactive fallout, just less for the equivalent energy yield.

What are the uses of potassium?

from Encarta: Potassium metal is used in photoelectric cells. Potassium forms many compounds resembling corresponding sodium compounds, based on a valence of 1. A few of the element's most important compounds follow. Potassium bromide (KBr), a white solid formed by the reaction of potassium hydroxide and bromine, is used in photography, engraving, and lithography, and in medicine as a sedative. Potassium chromate (K2CrO4), a yellow crystalline solid, and potassium bichromate, or potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), a red crystalline solid, are powerful oxidizing agents used in matches and fireworks, in textile dyeing, and in leather tanning. Potassium iodide (KI), a white crystalline compound that is very soluble in water, is used in photography for preparing gelatin emulsions and in medicine for the treatment of rheumatism and overactivity of the thyroid gland. Potassium nitrate (KNO3), a white solid prepared by fractional crystallization of sodium nitrate and potassium chloride solutions, is used in matches, explosives, and fireworks, and in pickling meat. It occurs naturally as saltpeter. Potassium permanganate (KMnO4), a purple crystalline solid, is used as a disinfectant and germicide and as an oxidizing agent in many important chemical reactions. Potassium sulfate (K2SO4), a white crystalline solid, is an important potassium fertilizer and is also used in the preparation of potassium alum. Potassium hydrogen tartrate (KHC4H4O6), commonly known as cream of tartar, is a white solid used in baking powder and in medicine.

Related questions

Who long can potassium iodide tablets protect you in a nuclear fallout?

One dose of FDA approved potassium iodide will protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine for 24 hours. Nuclear fallout would include a leak from a nuclear reactor or fallout from a nuclear weapon.

What are the bad effects of nuclear?

Radioactive fallout

What are the environmental effects of nuclear fallout?

"The environmental radioactivity is increased." That's it?

What is nucleur fallout?

nuclear fallout is the settling of nuclear particles.

What is neclear fallout?

Nuclear fallout is where, in this case countries, have a fallout and basiclly launch nuclear weapons at eachother.

What are the short term effects of nuclear bombs?

The main short term effects are:blastfirethermal burnsflash blindnessradiation sicknessbeta burns (from fallout exposure)

What kind of fallout will we see from a nuclear power plant?

Nuclear Fallout comes from a nuclear power plant.

What happens when nuclear fallout comes?

When nuclear fallout comes usually everyone shoots people in the head with their magnums

What is deffination of fallout?

Well the word "fallout" basically just means aftermath. In the case of the game, it is called the Fallout franchise because it is the aftermath of the nuclear explosions. The word "fallout" is also commonly used when talking about nuclear fallout, which is the radiation and such.

Is fallout an abstract noun?

The noun 'fallout' is an abstract noun as a word for the adverse side effects or results of a situation; a word for a concept.The noun 'fallout' is a concretenoun as a word for radioactive particles that are carried into the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion or accident; a word for a physical substance.

What is nucl ear fallout?

A nuclear fallout is when an atomic bomb is dropped on a country.

What is a fallout-?

fallout is the aftermath of a great destructive event. especially a nuclear one.