

Does potential energy attract or repel?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Does potential energy attract or repel?
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they repel. opposites attract!

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The movement of Atoms as they attract, move and repel.

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Yes, repel is the opposite of attract.

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They repel.

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Like poles repel and opposite poles attract.

What is the what is the opposite of repel?

I believe it would be Attract depending on how you use Repel.

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Use of electric current to attract or repel certain metals. ( usually iron)

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All of the metals attract and repel, but if a: negative and positive come together= attract positve and a negative come together= attract negative and negative come together= repel positive and positive come together= repel

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"Opposites attract". So two electrons repel each other.

Why is the potential energy of two like charges positive and two unlike charges negative?

This is a way of saying that two like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract. Remember that systems tend to 'seek' the lowest energy state possible.

Does like charges attract or repel?

Attract. For sure.