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Q: Does primary or secondary succesion end?
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What the difference between primary and secondary succesion?

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What is primary succesion?

A primary succesion is an area that has not been previously occupied by a community.

What types of things can lead to secondary succession?

Secondary succesion occurs naturally after an ecosystem was previously disrupted. Like after a forest burns down, secondary succesion would occur to fix it.

How do plants grow after a forest fire?

through secondary succesion

What is the first step in secondary succesion?

it takes a long time

How does a ecosystem transition from primary succession to secondary succession?

Secondary succesion is the succession that occurs after the initial succession has been disrupted, and some plants and animals still exist. It is usually faster than primary succession.

What are two types of ecological succession?

There are 3 types of successions. One is called ecological succession, the next is called primary succession, and the last one is called secondary succession.

What is the difference between primary and secondary succesion?

the difference between primary and secondary succession is that primary succession is the wipeout of something and then secondary succession is the regrowth.

Succesion that takes place in a forest that has been destroyed by fire is an example of what?

Secondary succession

The formation of the hawaiian islands is an example of what?

this is called primary succesion

What type of succession is the current ecosystem in?

It depends on just where the ecosystem is located.