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it takes a long time

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Q: What is the first step in secondary succesion?
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What types of things can lead to secondary succession?

Secondary succesion occurs naturally after an ecosystem was previously disrupted. Like after a forest burns down, secondary succesion would occur to fix it.

How do plants grow after a forest fire?

through secondary succesion

What the difference between primary and secondary succesion?

hi how are you doing today

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Succesion that takes place in a forest that has been destroyed by fire is an example of what?

Secondary succession

What are four word s that mean movement?

shift, stir, step, succesion

What kind of succesion is a tornado?

Since a tornado destroys vegetation, be leaves the soil moistly intact, it will be followed by secondary succession.

What are some disturbences that cause secondary succesion?

Some of the causes are tornadoes, floods, fires, and hurricanes, etc. anything that causes an ecosystem to be destroyed and be totally rebuild-ed is secondary succession!

Can a single scientist observe all of the stages of secondary succesion in an abandoned field?

No, because it takes around one hundred to two hundred years for all the stages of secondary succession to take place.

What type of succession occur after a forest fire?

Secondary succesion because the forest or life has to grow again! :)

Why succesion accurs?

Succesion accurs is nature. This is plants and animals.

Difference of step up and step down in terms of no of loops in the secondary coil?

If the primary coil has ten loops and the secondary coil has five loops then the secondary coil works as a 50% step down