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Q: Does prophage replicate along with its host?
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What is a prophage made of?

A prophage is made up of proteins that replicate a virus within a cellular structure. The virus does not disrupt the cellular structure of the bacteria, and waits for the lytic cycle to begin so it can replicate.

What is viral DNA incorporated in bacterial DNA called?

The introduction of viral DNA into the host genetic structure is called lysogeny. And this is lysogenic cycle.

What is the phage DNA that is integrated into a host cell's chromosome is called a?

Phage DNA that is integrated into a host's cell chromosome is a bacteriophage. They behave as lytic or lysogenic. Lytic breaks open the host after replication, , lysogenic does not destroy the host.

What are temperate phages?

A phage that can enter into lysogeny with its host. A phage that can become a prophage.

The lysogenic cycle is a viral reproductive cycle in which?

The viral DNA molecule is incorporated by genetic recombination into a specific site on the host cell's chromosome (chromatin body). it is then called prophage, the viral DNA incorporate into bacterium DNA , one prophage gene codes for a protein that represents most of the other prophage genes. the phage DNA along with its own and passes on the copies to the daughter cells. A single infected cell can soon give rise to a large population of bacteria carrying the virus in prophage form. So this propagate mechanism enables virus without killing the host cell's.

What pathogens are intracellular and what are intracellular?

intracellular pathogens can only replicate inside a host cell, whereas extracellular pathogens can replicate independent of the host

How do virus propagate?

Viruses replicate by hijacking a host's cells. The virus inserts its own RNA sequence into the host cell's nucleus, forcing it to replicate the virus until the host cell dies.

What must be true for viruses to be able to replicate?

For a virus to replicate it must insert its own DNA into a host nucleus cell. This newly infected cell finds another host cell to replicate, and a viral infection is produced.

Where does Viruses can only replicate?

Inside a host cell.

What is an organism whose organelles are used by a virus to replicate?


Do virus replicate?

It can reproduce if it infected a host cell!

Where does a virus replicate its DNA?

A virus replicates its DNA in a cell when it infects the host