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Q: Does puttibg ice on a hickie make it worse?
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How do you remove a hikkie?

hickie, (if you mean love bite) can be removed by applying ice around it. Make sure u dont apply the ice on it, or else it will only grow. it is advisable to keep a spoon in your freezer and apply the spoon on the edges of the hickie.. It wi'll surely disappear in a few hours

What to do when someone gives you a hickie?

Take and ice cube or cold spoon and massage it to get the blood out.

How do ice jams in rivers make floods worse?

the ice melts and breaks it down

What would be the sentence of worse?

Snow is worse than rain. Ice is worse than snow.

What to use for a finger burn?

If it is new put ice on it. Hold it there. Don't put any salves on it they make the burn worse.

Will adding more salt to homemade ice cream make them taste better or worse?

It makes the ice cream harden up more since the salt is keeping it cool, and it makes it taste worse then the original recipe since it dosent call for extra salt.

How do you get rid of hickies fast?

There are no medical procedures to get rid of hickeys but there are several different home remedies that you can try. You can try applying ice to the hickey, brush the hickey with a toothbrush, and you can try massaging the area.

What kind of clouds make ice crystals?

in higher altitutdes cirrus cloud contains ice crystal....but when weather is worse and there is a development of cumulonimbus cloud which develops from groin level to higher altitudes they have ability to develope ice crystals which falls as hailstones

Is snow or ice worse for power lines?

Ice is much worse because it just builds up on the lines until they collapse. Snow can easily fall off, depending on how wet it is.

Will ice cream get rid of a headache?

yes because cold cools it down but don't eat it too fast cuz it will make your headache worse

Does putting ice on sunburn make it worse?

I don't think so, but it's not recommended for a bad or severe burn, if you have a bad burn use tea, aloe Vera, or plain yogurt. If you use ice make shure you wrap it in a bag or something, because the ice sucks up the heat. But it can be bad if you just plop ice cubes on your back

Does ice make tonsillitis worst?

It can cause Tonsillitis to become worse, you may experience an extremely sore throat for a couple of days. Cold food is not suitable for those who have tonsillitis, but if you have your tonsils removed feel free to eat everything from ice to ice cream.