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Q: Does radiation need atoms and molecules to work?
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Heat from the sun reaches you by which form of heat transfer?

Radiation This is because between the Sun and the earth there is a vacuum (there are no air molecules). So conduction and convection will be no use as they need molecules and atoms to work: they transfer heat through them or the molecules carry the heat. HOWEVER: Radiation needs no particles or atoms or molecules or anything for heat transfer, so the sun's light energy is transferred to us by radiation.

How do atoms link to make a molecule?

Atoms are the smallest forms of life. So they are the basis of life as we know it. Then there are molecules. Molecules are built up of two or more atoms. So basically atoms and molecules are connected because atoms make up molecules.

Molecules of three or more elements may be nonpolar if the geometric shape is?

Symmetrical. The bonds will need to be nonpolar for this to work since the electrons will need to be shared equally between the two atoms.

Why do mobile phones need radiation to work?

because without radiation it wouldn't have access to web without it

If there are two atoms of oxygen and four atoms of hydrogen before the reaction what will be true after the reaction?

Two water molecules and a release of energy. This is how fuel cells work.

Does conduction need atoms and molecules work?

Conduction, whether of heat, sound, electricity, or whatever, does require some form of matter. There do exist exotic forms of matter other than atoms or molecules. For example, stars are composed of plasma, a superheated product of atoms which are completely ionized, so that you get a mixture of atomic nuclei and electrons. And other, even more exotic forms exist, such as neutronium, found in neutron stars and consisting entirely of neutrons. Matter of whatever form is capable of conduction.

What did amedeo avogadro?

He published a paper called (translation) "Essay on determination the relative masses of the elementary molecules of bodies and the proportions by which they enter these combinations". It is from his work that we get 'Avogadro's Number' the number of molecules/atoms in a mole.

Why should scientists create models of atoms?

atoms are extremely small so they need to increase the size so they unserstand how they work

What did Amedeo Avogadro publish?

He published a paper called (translation) "Essay on determination the relative masses of the elementary molecules of bodies and the proportions by which they enter these combinations". It is from his work that we get 'Avogadro's Number' the number of molecules/atoms in a mole.

Why do chemist work with moles of individual atoms?

They need a counting unit to count the number of atoms, molecules, or formula units of a substance.

How many grams of oxygen gas is contained in 11.2L 02 gas at stp?

To determine how many atoms are present in 56 liters of oxygen gas at STP you first need to know that there are two atoms in a single molecule. Then, you would work the scientific formula to determine the number of molecules in the oxygen gas.

What makes radiation vary different from the other two methods of heat transfer?

The other two methods both need physical material to work, but radiation doesn't.