

Does rain water contain nitrogen

Updated: 9/19/2023
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11y ago

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Rain storms deposit inorganic atmospheric nitrogen directly into the soil

Jason Tyrrell

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Q: Does rain water contain nitrogen
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No; oxygen, nitrogen, and water are all separate elements.

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Why acid rain forms?

Acid rain is rain that has been made acidic by pollution. The main cause industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from these contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids.

Does rain water contain phosphates?

No. Salt is too heavy to evaporate. Even though some rain water is evaporated from the ocean it does not contain salt. No. When the water evaporates, it leaves the salt behind.

Why is there yellow lightning?

lightning forces nitrogen and oxygen to combine with the water of rain and carries the nitrogen down into soil

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What color rain contain?

Rain doesn't "contain" any colours. Rain is water falling from the clouds while colous are represented by different frequencies of light.

Why do we have acid rain?

Acid rain contain traces of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These gases when dissolved in water - as in cloud water droplets - form sulfuric acid and nitric acid [and probably also sulfurous and nitrous acids].

One of the acids in acid rain forms when water combines with?

Acid rain contain traces of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These gases when dissolved in water - as in cloud water droplets - form sulfuric acid and nitric acid [and probably also sulfurous and nitrous acids].

What pollutant is made when nitrogen dioxide dissolves in water?

The pollutant is acid rain

What is the substance formed when water mixes with nitrogen sulfur oxides?

acid rain