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Q: Does restricted reporting option allow the victim to seek counseling?
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Why do so many Abuse websites and talk shows that deal with abuse suggest that the victim get counseling when it is plain that this will just be another thing for the abuser to use against her?

If the victim hasn't left on her own, it's obvious that just telling her to leave won't make much sense. Most responsible advice tells the abuser and victim to go to counseling so that the problem can be accurately diagnosed and both parties will be able to slowly acknowledge the eventual outcome. Using that method results in far fewer problems in the long run. It may appear to be a clear problem to some people with an obvious answer, but other people need a little time to live with the problem and learn to deal with it and yes, even to have a chance to change their behavior. Because, while the abuser is in definite need of counseling, so is the victim of abuse. There are personality traits, learned behaviors and traumatic instances that an abuse victim may be able to alter given the right therapy. Juts the fact that your're worried that therapy is something that can be used against the victim rather than a tool to free her indicates a need for counseling.

As a person reporting a suspected case of abuse are you protected by civil or criminal law why or why not?

Whether you are the victim of it, or you are simply repoprting it, you are not protected by any special statute or law.

Is a Christian pastor allowed to give 1-on-1 marriage-divorce counseling to someone if they know the other spouse has no knowledge of it?

Yes. If a married person seeks advice from a counselor, even a Christian pastor functioning as a counselor, they should receive help in private if they request it. In one example that person may be a victim of spousal abuse. Having to notify the abuser that the victim has requested private counseling may result in more abuse. In many cases a spouse refuses to attend marriage-divorce counseling. That should not prevent the other from seeking help.If a Christian pastor has chosen the position of counseling others they should do so in the best interests of the people who seek help.

Should victims of domestic violence face the threat of losing custody?

No, the victim of abuse should not lose custody of any children. However, Child Aid may take the children away until the victim seeks psychological counseling (learning tools to stay away from abusive relationships) and settling into a job and providing a healthy environment for their children. Sometimes the victim's parents or grandparents may be given custody until the victim is settled in her life.

Where can you get help for men who were sexually assaulted?

Often society does not realize just how many men can be sexually assaulted and therefore information seems to be hidden from the victim. The best place for a male victim of assault to go too is a psychologist and the victim should not be embarrassed to go because psychologists deal with not only female assaults, but also male assaults and it is a great trauma to that person so psychological counseling is a must.

How would you handle a student being bullied?

First of all, do not blame the victim. There should be zero tolerance for bullying behavior. Both sets of parents should be notified about their child. Avoid further victimizing of the child, which means that mediation and proof of bullying should not have to be provided to parents of the bully with the victim present. Both kids could use counseling, preferably on a private level, to learn about the issue. In the past, parents of a bully were confronted and the bully punished, but these days it is seen as a behavior that requires counseling and remediation.

How do you save a house from a repossession.?

The only way to save a house from foreclosure is to keep current on the mortgage payments. Check in your area for newly created consumer foreclosure counseling services if you think you have been the victim of a predatory lender.

What if your Medical Treatment Facility's Standard Operating Procedures or protocol should provide specific guidance on what activities?

Local policies and procedures for dealing with outside agencies Reporting options and victim consent Contacting the SARC or VA

How do you discover if you are a victim of credit fraud?

People normally find out they are victims of credit fraud when they try to open new credit and are denied. Credit reporting agencies suggest checking your credit reports every year, at least.

I believe that i am a victim of someone who has bpd and may not be diagnosed. where do i turn to get my own counseling i may be suffering from ptsd from the effects of having known her i live in or.?

See the "related links" below for lots of information about resources in Oregon. (And good luck.)