

Does ringworm grow

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: Does ringworm grow
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What can cause Ringworm?

Ringworm is a fungal infection. You come in contact with the spores and if you have a weak spot in your skin, the fungus will start to grow there. They grow in a circle, which is why it's called ringworm.

How long does it take for hair to grow after hair ringworm?

456543243 hair don't you know that22

What is s fungal infection that can grow on the hair skin or nails and is also known as ringworm?


Where can one get ringworm?

Basically ringworm isn't actually a worm, it is caused by a fungus. The fungi grow in warm, moist areas, e.g locker rooms/swimming pools. Ringworm is contagious and spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal that has it. It can also spread when you share things like towels, clothing, or sports gear. You can also get ringworm by touching an infected dog or cat, although this form of ringworm is not common.

Can mold grow in human blood?

yes your blood can proble get mold is can get treated

How are Fungi bad?

Fungi are organisms which grow on decaying matter and causes skin diseases like ringworm and athlete's foot .

Can Mold Grow On Animals?

Sloths certainly grow cyanobacteria, which are primitive fife forms, but not molds, on their bodies and these aid in their camouflage. But there are various fungal infections on humans such as ringworm and tinea.

Can you get ringworm from someone who has chickenpox?

Chickenpox and ringworm are caused by completely different microbes. You can only get ringworm from someone with chickenpox if they also have ringworm.

What is ringworm in French?

ringworm= la teigne

Can children get ringworm?

Yes children can get ringworm.

When is ringworm not contagious?

Ringworm is not contagious after 24 hours

Will doxycycline treat ringworm?

doxycycline can be used for ringworm?