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The oldies will work for anything i bet it would:::::::::::::::)))))))))

UPDATE: actually the Mythbusters proved this on their show that Extreme Metal Music makes plants grow the biggest and fastest...and Pop Music was the worst

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13y ago
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15y ago

yeah but metal does more heavy metal because of the vibration no

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12y ago

No, but it may cause them to think for themselves, get piercings, produce seedlings out of wedlock, and generally have a good time.

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Does country music make plants grow bigger or faster?

plants like country music better so YES.

Do Lima beans grow better to classical music?

yes the sound waves affect them and make them grow faster

What is the effect of trance music on toddlers?

Who knows..doubt if any experiments have been done on that ;) Might make him grow up liking trance music though :)

Does classical music or rock music make a plant grow faster?

There are many ways to grow your soundcloud likes. You can buy followers, likes, comments and reposts from a reputable provider like us.  But it is always better to earn them the honest way. You need to post high-quality tracks that others would enjoy listening to. Post them regularly and interact with your followers. Give them a glimpse of the hard work and dedication you put into your tracks. They will enjoy the music and in return, help spread the word about you in order to make your page grow.

What are the adaptations of a pitcher plant?

Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants. They grow in bogs and poor soil, so they need insects to make up for the nutrients that they miss from the soil.

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Does country music make plants grow bigger or faster?

plants like country music better so YES.

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How do some fungi helps make plants grow bigger and healthier?

when their hyphae grow into or on the plant's roots

Why does fertiliser make plants grow bigger and faster?

It has a lot of the foods on which plants thrive, especially nitrogen.

Does pop music make plants grow?

of corse it dosent dont be stupid

Does hard core music make plants grow bigger?

no it doesnt make a difference whether you do hard core or none the best one is pop i know because i did a 5th grade science fair project on that.

How can you make your breasts grow bigger and bigger?

You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

Why do plants need to make new cells?

They may need to repair leaves, or just grow bigger

Does playing plants music help them grow?

Yes it will make them grow because they grow greener. They are living things so they will grow alittle bit faster