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No, but it helps you get potato on your face.

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Q: Does rubbing a potato on your face help you grow facial hair?
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Can rubbing of nails against each other helps to grow facial hair?

No it does not help to grow facial hair. But rubbing your fingernails helps to stimulate scalp hair growth, reverse graying and prevent hair loss.

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How will you know when you start to grow facial hair?

you will see hair on your face

Does rubbing salt and vinegar on your chin help grow facial hair?

No... it will just hurt if you have any broken skin.

What can you use to grow facial hair?

The B vitamin called biotin is reputed to grow hair but it will grow it in places you may not wan't, especially on the face.

Does olive oil help your facial hair grow?

Olive oil will improve your facial hair growth and darkness of it it will also help it grow thicker. so yes it will help aplly it to your face for like a week then shave it then kepp doing that then you will see a big difference in you facial hair.

What are 2 ways to grow a beard?

1) Let your facial hair grow without any trimming etc.2) Wash your face a lot, it will speed up the facial hair growth process.

What can you do if you are a 26 year old with a well built body boy but your face is girly?

grow some facial hair

How can you make facial hair grow faster I am 15 years old and I have a lot of body hair but for some reason I have trouble growing facial hair Is there any recommendations of what I can do?

you can shave your face were you want hair to grow..... 2nd Answer: The above answer is an old wive's tale . . . you have to wait until your body decides to grow more facial hair on you.

Why was the potato considered alive and the potato chip as not?

potato can grow while potato chips can not grow therefore potato is considered to be alive and potato chip is not.

Your friend 11 has facial hair and your other friends make fun of him should you tell them to stop it?

facial hair is a blessing not all men can grow facial hair. if he is uncomforatble with his gift at such an early age you should recomend he shave his face

Why in girls face hair is not come?

Because it is testosterone that makes facial hair grow in men and although women do have testosterone it is at a much lower level than in men that is why women do not have facial hair.