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Yes, definitely. I am from India and have been doing this for the past five years and swear by the positive results. It has stopped hair fall, stimulated hair growth and i see some new hair on my forehead. Do it regularly for 5-10 min daily.

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Q: Does rubbing your nails together help stimulate hair growth?
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Can rubbing of nails against each other helps to grow facial hair?

No it does not help to grow facial hair. But rubbing your fingernails helps to stimulate scalp hair growth, reverse graying and prevent hair loss.

How do you make hair grow super fast in 3 months?

Castor Oil massage of the scalp every night + rubbing the nails of your fingers against each other 3 times a day for five minutes at a time (hair and nails have the same energy roots, so if you stimulate one, you stimulate the other) Check out the related link;

Is rubbing alcohol bad for you nails?

no it's not bad for your nails, but it not totally good for them either. you can use rubbing alcohol for removing nail polish but don't do it a lot.

Does biting nails stunt growth?

Your nail growth? No. But it can make it grow in an irregular way due to the way you bite your nails.

Can rubbing alcohol be used on scissors which were used to cut nails with toenail fungus?


Does the nail growth spurt work?

yes! It adds nutrition to your nails and support for growth. just make sure not to chew or bite your nails while you have it on.

Why do nails grow faster with fake nails on top?

Fake nails don't make your nails grow faster, you're probably noticing the growth because you don't notice regular nail growth, while having a fake nail on top provides a reference point to just how much the nails have grown.

What does flax seed oil do for your hair and nails?

Flaxseed oil is said to promote the growth of healthy nails and hair. What it does is nourishes the hair and nails to prevent brittle nails and split ends.

In what ways is the growth of hair and nails similar?

Hair and nails are both a modified type of skin. Their growth can tell about a person's general health or illness.

Does nail polish affect the rate of growth in your nails?

No. Like hair, your nails have a set rate of growth no matter what you do or don't do. You may choose to keep them short, but they will still grow at the same rate.

What is a nail buffer?

nail buffers can reduce the risk of nails snagging, breaking or splitting. they also smoothen, shine, protect and encourage the nails to grow. nail buffers can even erase ridges and other surface irregularities. mean while using a nail buffer will stimulate the blood circulaton in the ends of the fingers and toes encouraging healthy nail and cuticle growth.

Do your nails grow faster without nailpolish?

nail polish is to make your nails look attractive, it generally did not have any effect on their growth