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In short, No. If properly stretched and strengthened, the Achilles tendons are extremely strong and designed to take the repetitiveness of walking and running for years on end.

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Q: Does running cause damage to the Achilles tendon?
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How would one cause injury to their achilles tendon?

The achilles tendon is a tendon located in the back of one's leg. This tendon can be injured by inappropriate use from running, jumping, and climbing.

Can you have problems with your Peroneal tendon as a result or secondary of An Achilles tendon rupture?

Absolutely, the Achilles is only the main injury or the most serious injury, but you also got lots of other tendon and muscle tears and pulls all over the foot and ankle area when your Achilles went out. If the Achilles is damaged, it will probably swell at times and that is bound to cause discomfort to the area including the peroneal tendon.

What is a archilles tendon?

Tendon is an inelastic cord or band of tough white fibrous connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone or other part.

Does running cause Achilles heel?

If you want to find out if running cause Achilles heel. You would have to speak with a foot doctor. You can also visit the WebMD website. They should have some helpful hints.

Can a back injury cause an injury to the Achilles tendon?

um doubtful.. Unless the spinal cord is damaged and is causing the tendon to react violently and beyond its normal functions. If that's happening then you have bigger problems.

What could the cause of my achilles tendon pain be?

It could be an achilles tendonitises or it could be a strain injury. Firstly rest your feet wheer possible as you dont wish to injure yourself further and make an appointment with you doctor so you can get a proper medical diagnosis.

Why do I still get a slight limp in one leg after an Achilles tendon injury?

Tendons when healed are very 'tight', and need to stretch. So walking exercising the tendon will allow it to slowly stretch, and thereby the limp or pain will slowly releave.

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No, but it can cause severe engine damage if you keep running the engine.

What does Achilles symbolizes?

Achilles symbolizes weapons cause he is the warrior of the Trojan war !

Will running an frozen air conditioner cause damage?

More than likely yes.

Three Achilles Stretches to Prevent Inflammation and Injury?

Inflammation and injury to the Achilles tendon usually happens when people overexert themselves while running and engaging in other high-impact exercises. Even though Achilles tendon injuries are hard to repair, they are easy to prevent by stretching the area. There are three common stretching exercises to prevent Achilles tendon injuries, which are the functional stretch, wall flex and "downward dog" yoga pose. Experts recommend holding each stretch for approximately 20 seconds to achieve the best results.The Functional StretchThe functional stretch is an effective stretch for preventing injuries to the Achilles tendon. In order to complete the stretch, the individual must hold onto a steady surface and place their toes on a step, leaving their heels slightly hanging off the back of the step. Then, they should lower their heels as close to the step, or ground, below as possible. The functional stretch should be held for a minimum of 20 seconds.The Wall StretchAnother excellent stretch is called the wall flex. Those who have experienced previous injuries to the Achilles tendon will get the most benefit from this stretch as is works not only the tendon but also the calf. In order to do the wall stretch, the individual needs to stand approximately one foot from a wall. While facing the wall, one heel must be put near the wall and the toes placed directly on the wall. This exercise will cause the foot to rest at an angle. It is important to keep the legs straight while doing the wall stretch. This stretch should also be held for about 20 seconds before the individual switches feet.The Downward DogAlthough the downward dog is a pose traditionally performed during yoga, it also suits the purpose of stretching the Achilles tendon. The individual should start by getting down on the ground in a crawling position. From there, the legs need to be straightened. In doing so, the body will appear similar to an inverted "V." The downward dog will simultaneously stretch the Achilles tendon, hamstrings and calves. However, this yoga pose requires extensive practice in order to master the correct form.

How do you know if the Achilles is cut or just torn?

Patients who experience a tear to the Achilles tendon often report hearing a popping or clicking sound at the time the tear occurs. It often feels as though you have been hit in the back of the leg. A partial tear may cause mild or no symptoms at all. Even with more significant tears there may be no pain or symptoms present at the time the injury occurs. The symptoms listed below can happen right when the tendon is torn or they may begin to occur later on.