

Does running help hamsters

Updated: 11/8/2022
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13y ago

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Well, hamsters need exercise, but they usually do that by running on a wheel if you have one. But if you have a guinea pig they have to run around outside, not in a wheel or a ball because it could cause back problems. Your welcome!

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Q: Does running help hamsters
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Do hamsters help other hamsters babies?

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What sense do hamsters provide and how do long whiskers help hamsters?

Hamsters do not have good eyesight they depend on their sense of smell. so hamsters having long whiskers help them know were they are going and what they are doing its like anoth pair of eyes for them.

What do hamsters enjoy?

they enjoy running on their wheel, running in their ball, and having you taking them out of their cage and letting them run free.

What is a good exercise routine for hamsters?

Running on the hamster wheel, hands down

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yes because hamsters are fat and do not do well running

Why does a Chinese dwarf hamster pee in its ball?

All hamsters, if given enough time, will eventually pee while running around in their ball. In the wild and in captivity, hamsters poo and pee whenever they please, but they do it more often when running around.

My hamster is frequently running on his wheel Is this normal?

Hamsters usually run on their wheel a lot. As long as your hamster is eating and drinking i think it ok.

Are baby hamsters active?

I would say no, they mostly wriggle around- after awhile they'll be up and running!

What do you do when your hamsters toenails get to long?

Hamsters Toenails are not very easy to cut but you may be able to bring them to a pet store and they should be able to help.

What sense do they provide and how do long whiskers help hamsters?

Hamsters provide all of the senses humans do! their long wiskers are their second pair of eyes!

Are hamsters helpful or dangerous to people?

Hamsters are not dangerous to people though they can bite. they do not really do anything to help humans accept being their companion.