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Rust is formed when iron reacts with oxygen in the air. It's not erosion, it's a chemical change called oxidation.

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1w ago

Yes, rust forming on a car body is a chemical reaction. It occurs when iron in the metal reacts with oxygen in the presence of moisture to form iron oxide, which is rust. This process is known as corrosion.

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8y ago

Yes, rusting in the out of doors is chemical weathering.

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15y ago

chemical weathering

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Q: Does rust forming on a car body is a chemical reaction?
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Is rust forming on the metal gate is a physical or chemical change?

Rust forming on a metal gate is a chemical change. It is a result of a chemical reaction between iron, oxygen, and water, which leads to the formation of iron oxide (rust).

What rust the result of a chemical reaction?

Rust is the result of the oxidation of iron in the presence of oxygen and water, forming iron oxide (Fe2O3). This process occurs over time and causes the characteristic reddish-brown color and weakens the structure of iron and steel materials. Rusting can be prevented by applying protective coatings or using alloys that are more resistant to corrosion.

An iron fence is left unpainted and it reacts with the oxygen in the air forming rust The formation of rust is an oxidation-reduction reaction but it is also an example of aan?

The formation of rust on an iron fence is an example of corrosion, which is a natural degradation process that occurs when iron reacts with oxygen in the presence of moisture. It is a type of chemical reaction that weakens the iron structure, leading to the formation of iron oxide (rust) on the surface of the metal.

Is a rust forming on an iron nail chemical or physical?

A nail rusting is a chemical change. The iron in the nail reacts with water and oxygen to produce rust, a compound with the chemical formula Fe3O2.nH2O.

Is rust forming in a tin can a chemical change?

Yes. Iron Oxide is forming.

What rust the result of a chemical?

Rust is the product of a chemical reaction between iron and oxygen.

How is a rusting a nail a chemical change?

Rust is a chemical reaction called oxide. When a nail rust, the chemical change is related to the reaction of the metal and oxygen.

Is lack of ability to rust a physical or chemical?

Rusting is a chemical reaction. Thus, rust resistance is a chemical property.

Is rust the result of a chemical reactaction?

Yes, rust is the chemical reaction of Oxygen and Iron when there is a presence of water.

If Iron and oxygen form rust is it a chemical or physical reaction?

The formation of rust from iron and oxygen is a chemical reaction. This is because the iron reacts with oxygen in the air to form a new compound, iron oxide (rust), which has different chemical properties from the original iron.

What element makes up both pyrite and rust?

Pyrite is FeS. When exposed to water and oxygen in the air, a chemical reaction occurs - forming iron hydroxide (rust) and sulfuric acid. Here is the reaction: FeS2 + 3.75O2 + 3.5H20 = Fe(OH)3 + 2H2SO4

What is a chemical reaction in simple language?

a chemical reaction makes something happen, like rust or water