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No rust in a horse's water does not harm the horses. Our horses have rusty water and they in perfect health.

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Q: Does rust in a horse waterer harm the horse?
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Will rust in your water harm you?


Is metal rust bad for trees?

Metal rust will not harm trees. There are a number of fungus rusts that can harm plants but they are not metal rusts.

What ways can rust harm iron?

Iron structures and objects are destroyed in time.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Rose flower John Waterer?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rosa 'John Waterer'.

Will salt water system harm a stainless steel pool filter?

Yes, it will rust the steel

How do you get rust off horse shoes?

You take it to a black smith's and get another shoe!

Is rust a protist?

No, rust is not a protist. Rust is a type of fungus that affects plants, typically manifesting as orange or reddish-brown powdery deposits on leaves or stems. It is a common plant disease that can cause harm to crops and plant life.

What can i do if i eat off a fork that is only a year old that had rust from it and i didn't know?

Eating off of a fork with a small amount of rust will cause you no harm. There is nothing that you need to do.

What has the author John W Waterer written?

John W. Waterer has written: 'Leather and craftmanship' 'Leather' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Leather work, Leatherwork

How deep should a duckling waterer be?

A duckling waterer should be deep enough for the ducklings to fully submerge their bills and clean out their nostrils, lest they become blocked, causing suffocation.

Will rust in your water hurt you to shower?

Rust is the easy way of saying Iron Oxide. It will not harm you in small amounts by showering in it, or even swallowing it. What the rust is telling you, is that there are some old pipes somewhere in your home that will be needing some replacing soon.

What is the cattle water container called?

Well, there's the cattle waterer (or automatic cattle waterer), and then there's the stock tank, which is a container that holds water for livestock like horses and cattle.