

Does saliva going inside the uterus reduce pregnancy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Does saliva going inside the uterus reduce pregnancy?
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What does intrauterine pregnancy means?

Intrauterine pregnancy means that the pregnancy (fetus) is inside the uterus where it is supposed to be and not ectopic (in the tubes or anywhere other than the uterus).

What is etopic uterus called?

An ectopic pregnancy is a non-viable pregnancy that occurs anywhere outside of the uterus. It's often known as a "tubal" pregnancy as ectopics most often occur inside the Fallopian tubes. They can also occur on the cervix, inside the abdominal cavity and outside of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy if left untreated is life threatening and you should see a Dr immediately.

What does single live intrauterine pregnancy mean?

It means you have a pregnancy inside the uterus (which is a normal pregnancy) an the baby has a heartbeat making it now living and not just a bunch of cells

Does pregnancy cause inflammation in the uterus?

Pregnancy does not cause inflammation in the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus during pregnancy would serve no biological purpose.

How does the structure of the uterus in the cat correlate to multiple births from each pregnancy?

Human normally have single births from a pregnancy, whereas the expanded uterus in cats facilitates multiple births. if your cat is pregnant, the uterus will be greatly enlarged and you may find many fetuses inside.

What does pregnancy means?

Intrauterine pregnancy means that the pregnancy (fetus) is inside the uterus where it is supposed to be and not ectopic (in the tubes or anywhere other than the uterus).

What does single live intrauterine means?

It means you have a pregnancy inside the uterus (which is a normal pregnancy) an the baby has a heartbeat making it now living and not just a bunch of cells

Houses the fetus during pregnancy?

the uterus

Viable intrauterine pregnancy?

Viable means alive (i.e. there was a heartbeat seen) Intrauterine means 'inside your uterus' (where it should be)

The endometrial lining of the uterus remains in place during pregnancy in large measure because of the?

The inside of the uterus is lined with the "endometrium" which is shed every month if you are not pregnant. Once you get pregnant that lining changes to the "decidua" which stays in place because of the hormone progesterone and hCG the pregnancy hormone during pregnancy.

Where does pregnancy occur?

In your uterus

Which hormone is most likely responsible for preparing the uterus for pregnancy?

The hormone progesterone in the corpus luteum will prepare the uterus for pregnancy.