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Q: Does salt dissolve in petroleum ether?
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Related questions

Are petroleum ether and salt polar?

Petroleum and ether are NOT polar. Salt is polar.

Are ether and salt polar?

Petroleum and ether are NOT polar. Salt is polar.

Does NaCl dissolve in petroleum ether?

It is not soluble.

Why is naphthalene more soluble in petroleum ether than in water?

naphthalene is non-polar and can only dissolve in non-polar solvents. ether is non-polar, water is polar.

Why is tert-butyl methyl ether more polar than petroleum ether?

Tert-butyl methyl ether more polar than petroleum ethere cause petroleum ether isn't an ether- it's composed of hydrocarbons, which are nonpolar. The real ether that is in tBME includes oxygen, which is electronegative and creates more polarity in the molecule.

Describe the main uses of petroleum ether ether?

Petroleum ether is a type of petroleum mixture. It contains hexanes and pentanes and is a type of nonpolar solvent.

Is petroleum ether and hexane both are same?

No, Petroleum ether is a mixture of aliphatic alkanes e.g. pentane, hexane etc but hexanes is pure hexane.

Is petroleum ether miscible in cyclohexane?


Does thinner dissolve in ether?


What is the difference between ether and petroleum ether?

BlockFi offers crypto interest-earning accounts with up to 8.6% APY. This allows clients holding crypto like USD Ether to earn compounding interest. BlockFi also offers low-cost USD loans backed by crypto. Access crypto capital without selling.

What is the molar weight of petroleum ether?

petrolium ether is a mixture of pentane and hexane so has no molar mass

Are fats soluble in petroleum ether?

yes because they are hydrophobic