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Q: Does salt water kill silver birch tree?
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How do you kill a silver birch tree?

Table salt kills trees and shrubs. Look at the branches of the tree. However far they spread out, is where the roots are. You would put lots of salt on those areas and water it. Make sure the salt disolves. Or, dig a trench in those areas and put salt & water in it.

Will salt water kill you?

yes because the salt in the water is a dangerous compound.

Why does salting kill plants?

Road salt can kill plants because it draws the water out of them. Salt is a substance that absorbs water.

Do plants grow best in tap water or salt water?

Tap water, salt water will kill them

Can frogs live in salt water?

Frogs can not live in salt water. The salt will kill them. don't ask me why.

What happens when you add silver nitrate to distilled water and to salt solution?

Silver nitrate will dissolve in distilled water. When added to a salt solution silver chloride will fall out of solution.

Will saltwater kill vines?

Yes salt water can kill vines and other types of plants. To kill a vine with salt water, feed the vine with saltwater instead of regular water.

Can salt water kill sea weeds?

Salt water kills most plants!

Can you kill supernatural beings?

If they do exist, I suppose so. I mean, I'v heard of all the norm, Holy Water, Salt, Iron, Silver bullets, wooden anything, Silver daggers. If they did exist, you would have to find the specific thing to kill that creature.

Does salt water kill people?

No, Salt water doesn't directly kill people. If you swim in salt water, it cannot kill you. If you drink some salt water you'll be fine. However, if you ONLY drink salt water it can kill you, because your body will use more water than it gains to try to flush the excess salt out of your system.

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Can Hepatitis A survive in salt water?

Yes, salt water is not corrosive enough to kill bacteria.