

Does Saturn have night and day?

Updated: 8/1/2021
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Alfonso Mills

Lvl 10
βˆ™ 4y ago

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Yes it does. Saturn, like the inner planets and Jovian planets, rotates. Astronomers discovered the Planet Saturn has a full solar day of 10 hours and 47 minutes.

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Nellie Bauch

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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Q: Does Saturn have night and day?
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What causes day and night in?

Day and night on Saturn is caused by the its rotation around the Sun. Much like the Earth, the Sun provides the day and night cycle for Saturn.

What cause day in night?

Day and night on Saturn is caused by the its rotation around the Sun. Much like the Earth, the Sun provides the day and night cycle for Saturn.

What time was Saturn discovered night noon or day?

Saturn is only visible to the naked eye when it is dark.

What is saturns planets temp during the night?

Saturn has diffrebt temps during the day and night during the day it is 432 celsius

What is the planet Saturn's temperature day and night?

The temperature on Saturn is -180CΒΊ, which is -292FΒΊ. This may be cold, but Saturn is farther from the sun then Earth is. and because it is a outer planet

Does Saturn Have Day Or Night?

Um.. assuming you mean does the planet Saturn have day and night, the answer is yes. Day and night are caused by either being on the facing or away from the sun sides of a body orbiting the Sun. All the planets rotate and have a day and a night of varying amounts of time. Saturn's day is about 10 hours long as opposed to Earth's 24 hour day. Comment: So the daylight time and night time would be about 5 hours each, on average. Just like on Earth though there's a lot of variation depending where you are on the planet, the seasons, etc.

What is the day and night cycle of Saturn?

Saturn has a day and night cycle that is around 10.7 hours long. This is due to its relatively fast rotation speed. However, Saturn also experiences longer periods of darkness during its 29.5-year orbit around the Sun, with each hemisphere experiencing a season of continuous day or night.

What is Saturn's day an night temperature?

it is -220 digrees during the night and it is normally -270 during the nightbut the hottest it can get is-84 digreesyou tell me!

What day of the week was named after the Roman God?

Saturday: Day of Saturn, the Roman God Saturn. (Saturn's Day)

How long s a day on Saturn?

A day on Saturn is 10.7 hours

What is the temperature of night on Saturn?

Saturn is the gas Giant with tiny core deep down the atmosphere. Surface temperature of Saturn is govern by its' thermodynamic cycle of rise and sink of massive gases. I believe, the surface temperature at the reference surface would not be of any great difference may be 10,000 oC with insignificant difference of day and night.

How long is a day on the planet Saturn in your earth day?

A day on Saturn is about 11 hours on Earth.