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Narwhals have thus far been unable to be kept in captivity. For whatever reason, they die very shortly after capture. For this reason, no aquarium, no matter how large, will have narwhals. Not even Sea World.

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no because they eat shrimp and other sea creatures and that makes them omnivores yeah for narwhals! :D

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Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the Ocean Causing a CommotionCuz they are so awesome Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean Pretty big and pretty White They beat a polarbear in a fight Like an underwater Unicorn They got a kickass facial horn! Their the jedi's of the sea! They stop Cthuly eating ye! Narwhals they are Narwhals Narwhals! Just dont let them touch your balls! Narwhals They are narwhals! Inventors of the Shishkebab!

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Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the Ocean Causing a CommotionCuz they are so awesome Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean Pretty big and pretty White They beat a polarbear in a fight Like an underwater Unicorn They got a kickass facial horn! Their the jedi's of the sea! They stop Cthuly eating ye! Narwhals they are Narwhals Narwhals! Just dont let them touch your balls! Narwhals They are narwhals! Inventors of the Shishkebab!

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Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the Ocean Causing a CommotionCuz they are so awesome Narwhals Narwhals swimming in the ocean Pretty big and pretty White They beat a polarbear in a fight Like an underwater Unicorn They got a kickass facial horn! Their the jedi's of the sea! They stop Cthuly eating ye! Narwhals they are Narwhals Narwhals! Just dont let them touch your balls! Narwhals They are narwhals! Inventors of the Shishkebab!

What is so awesome about narwhals?

ARE YOU CRAY CRAY GIRL?! Narwhals are like the best animal eva! They are the jedi of the sea (see narwhal song on youtube) Dude look on national geographic to see more about them. THEY ARE REAL! ps: I am obsessed with narwhals!

Are narwhals and unicorns cousins?

Narwhals are often called "the unicorns of the sea," but determining any actual familial relationship is problematic at best. Attempts at research are all marred by the fact that unicorns are fictional and narwhals are not. If you can look beyond that, then yes, they are absolutely cousins.

Do narwhals go to the bathroom?

Just like any other sea mammal. Through their anus.