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Does second hand marijuana smoke get you high and does it come up on a drug test?

Yes, you can feel affects of second hand smoke.

Inhaling the smoke of others is called?

This is known as second-hand smoke.

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Does second hand smoke from marijuana effect a small child?

Yes, I believe it can. Being a previous user myself, it is possible to get slightly high from second hand smoke in a confined area.

Can second hand smoke of crack cocaine effect you?

It is possible to test "dirty" from second hand smoke from crack cocaine. Second hand smoke lingers and can be inhaled through normal breathing.

Do you get dirty if you smell the weed smoke?

If by "dirty" you mean high, it's possible. If you just smell the smoke but it isn't close to you then nothing will happen. If you're close to it and the smoke is in you're face then you might get a second hand or "contact high"

Is it possible to get a contact high from marijuana?

Yes, it is just like second hand smoke from cigarettes, you inhale the second hand smoke from the weed, and even though it is diluted and most of the THC is gone, there is still enough to lightly phase a non smoker. If you are a chronic pot smoker, don't count on getting a contact high.

Can second smoke from marijuana carry cells to another persons body?

If you mean if second hand weed smoke can make you show up on a drug test then yes it can because it can also get you high and the little amount will show

Can you fail a drug test by inhaling second hand smoke from marijuana?

If you are a habitual user you will need 25-30 days to pass a urine drug test (but allot relies on your height,weight,physical activity,how much you smoke,etc..) and second hand smoke would not make you fail

Can you smoke hand sanitizer?

yes it gets you high

Can you have withdrawal symptoms from second hand marijuana smoke?

Marijuana is not physically addictive, so, there are no physical withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana does in fact for many people have withdrawal symptoms. Anxiety, headaches, and anger are just a few of the symptoms. I have witnessed children getting high from second hand marijuana smoke pets also. Marijuana has increased in potency over the last 10 years. I know I have smoked it most of my life. I am 42 days clean and have first hand knowledge of physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms. I would not have non smokers exposed to second hand marijuana smoke.