

Does seizures affect brain function

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Does seizures affect brain function
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Related questions

How does lack of oxygen to the brain cause seizures?

The brain needs oxygen in order to function. A lack of oxygen to the brain can cause brain damage. Brain damage can result in seizures.

What do visual seizures consist of?

Auditory seizures affect the part of the brain that controls hearing and cause the patient to imagine voices, music, and other sounds.

Do seizures stop your heart?

No, normally seizures are a brain problem. The electrical impulses of the brain misfire and send messages through the central nervous system making the muscles move involuntarily. Seizures can affect the function of the heart because the heart is operated by muscles stimulated through the central nervous system.

Does smoking cause epileptic seizure?

Not necessarily. Epilepsy has a wide range of causes. Anything that has a strong affect on the brain can be likely to cause seizures. Smoking hard substances that affect the brain could lead to seizures.

How does a brain tumour affect the brain?

You can't function properly.

How does the olfactory affect epilepsy?

Epileptic seizures originating in the olfactory part of the brain can create unusual or unexplained smells.

Can brain biopsy cause seizures?

The resulting scar, left on the brain has the potential to trigger seizures

How does Valproic acid affect the brain?

Valproic acid is thought to depress activity in certain areas of the brain, suppressing the irregular firing of neurons to prevent seizures

Can epileptic seizures be found in the subcortical of the brian?

yes epileptic seizures can be found in the sub-cortical of the Brain's of the type of seizures are all over the brain .

Can a flower have a seizer?

Seizures are caused by a massive influx of electrical activity in the brain, meaning that the excess electricity can activate parts of the brain that aren't supposed to be activated, thus the bodily effects of the seizure. Because flowers have no brain for their function, they cannot have seizures. Luckily, the common triggers for seizures, tiredness, stress, and forgetting medication, don't have any relevant effect to plants anyway.

What systems do a seizure effect?

Seizures only directly affect the brain. However, as the brain controls a lot of things in your body, then a seizure can indirectly affect them. When it affects the nervous system, the person may shake or fall for example.

How does a depressant affect brain function?

It slows down the production of Neurotransmitters