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No - obviously ejaculation is beneficial as it gets the sperm as close to the cervix as possible, but once there it is helped by the females body. Around a week before ovulation the mucus that plugs-up the cervix softens and flows down into the vagina where it acts to protect sperm from the acidic pH of the vagina and provides a medium through which sperm can swim through. The cervix also dips down into the vagina during orgasm to 'pick-up' the sperm, and uterine contractions also help propel the sperm up through the uterus.

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Q: Does semen have to have a force for it to get to the uterus?
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Where the semen was released into the female?

The semen is released into the vagina, while the egg is reaching the lining of the uterus, the sperm penetrates the egg.

What happens to semen after a hysterectomy?

Even when the woman still have the uterus the semen seeps out. The uterus is a dead end and the woman's body does not absorb it. So after a hysterectomy it seeps out like before.

Where does the fusion of male and female semen take place?

Only males produce semen, the fluid that carries and nourishes sperm. Sperm and eggs join in the uterus.

What causes uterus spasms?

Sometimes the uterus will spasm a bit when it detects that semen is present, as it creates internal suction which helps push the semen up into the fallopian tubes. Not all women feel it happening.

Can sperm damage sac surrounding fetus?

The fetus is in the uterus and when pregnant there's a mucus plug closing the entrance to the uterus so semen or anything else can not enter when you are pregnant.

Can semen cause an infection if not cleansed after intercourse?

No it will not. And it will come back out. Your body wont absorb it and the uterus is a dead end.

Can a boy get pregnant from drinking semen?

No. A male can never get pregnant, and nobody can get pregnant from drinking semen. The uterus is the only place pregnancy can occur. Pregnancy does not occur in the mouth, stomach, intestines, nor rectum. Males do not have a uterus, and the digestive tract is not connected in any way to a female's uterus. So if you consume it by mouth, your body breaks it down and uses it like any other food.

Largest quantity of semen?

This record belongs to the Sperm whale. It is a reproductive competition strategy. The sperm whale has enough semen to 'flush-out' all competitors semen from the female whales uterus. So its the last male partner that get to reproduce. Gross but effective.

Why does your semen flow out of your pregnant wife so fast?

Because it has nowhere else to go. It's just the semen, the transporter fluid. The sperms are still swimming towards the uterus. This is what happens every time after sex.

How is baby implanted in mother?

Hamsters , the usual way, mating. People,a human egg is injected with semen , or an embryo is implanted in the uterus.

Can THC be passed through semen?

no is this even a legitimate question : Yes it can be passed through semen. heavy use will be passed through semen into the uterus and you can come up positive in a drug screen!