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NO. Exactly the same unless you look at it under a 300x microscope.

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Q: Does semen look different after vasectomy?
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What is the cpt code for semen analysis following a bilateral vasectomy?

Semen analysis would be a part of the initial surgical package when the vasectomy was done.

What effect does a vasectomy have on semen volume considering the percentage that sperm cells contribute to the total volume of semen?

Sperm make up a tiny volume of semen, but the testes still do produce some seminal fluids. After a vasectomy, you'll probably have less volume, but it probably won't be noticeable. The prostate gland, and cowpers gland are still fully active and connected post vasectomy, and they make the bulk of semen. It's the removal of the prostate that effects volume the most. After it's removal, many men experience "dry" orgasm.

Why men have to get their tubes tied?

I believe you are referring to a vasectomy. Men do not normally have to have this procedure done; it is usually a personal decision. The vasectomy prevents sperm from entering the semen. Therefore, it prevents unwanted pregnancies in women.

Can sperm be retrieved from a man once he has had a vasectomy and used for artificial insemination?

Yes, a man can. My husband had a vasectomy 7 years before I met him and we now have a four year old and we're trying for another. It just means the doctor uses a needle into the testicles and they take sperm from further up, it is a whole lot cheaper and easier than a reversal. You just go see your local IVF unit or GP. They either have to reverse it, or go in to his testicles with a needle and remove the sperm that way. Note: when considering the cost of each proceedure, remember that if you choose IVF, you pay to have the sperm harvested and for each attempted fertilization.

Do you still enjoy sex after a vasectomy?

Of course men still enjoy sex after a vasectomy! In fact nothing changes except their semen doesn't contain any sperm anymore (what's about 3%) and the fear of (unwanted) pregnancy is (definitively) gone ...

What does it mean when a guy is sterile?

he has no sperm.......Sperm only make up about 5% of the total volume of semen. So even if the man has had a vasectomy or is sterile for some other reason, his ejaculate will look pretty much the same as amn who is fertile.

Can you have no sperm count one month and sperm count following months after a vasectomy?

Apparently it is possible in the time shortly after the vasectomy for the tubes to grow back together. After my procedure I was told to bring a couple of semen samples over the next couple of months for analysis.

What reproductive parts are affected during a vasectomy?

No reproductive part is affected by vasectomy adversely. You cut the vas diferens in vasectomy. Thereby the sperms do not enter the semen and fertility is prohibited. This is very simple procedure with almost no complications. Unfortunately the brave males usually force the females to go for tubectomy. Tubectomy is relatively much more invasive procedure.

Is vasectomy affect your sexual activity?

No it wont. the only thing a vasectomy does is stop sperm from mixing in with the semen. Only a very small proportion of your ejaculate is sperm/ so everything looks the same and feels the same. You still get the same bang only you will be firing blanks.

How do you get lowest sperm count?

You can get a vasectomy and have 0 sperm cells in your semen. To reduce the count you can add stress to your body, wear tight underwear or have one of your testicles cut out.

Can you get hiv from a man with no prostate?

HIV/AIDs is spread through contact of mucus membranes like the mouth and genitals. The prostate is an internal organ.

What is the male sterilization surgery?

Male sterilization surgery is surgery on the scrotum to cut the vasa deferentia. This surgery prevents sperm from getting into the semen when men ejaculate. Known as a vasectomy.