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Q: Does sephora use sweat shops or child labour?
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How big a problem is child labor today?

Child labour has been around for so long and even though child labour is illegal in most countries, children are still being used in sweat shops by wealthy company owners.

What is the difference between adult sweat shops and child sweat shops?

There is no official diffeence beween the two (as far as i can tell) but I guess that an adult sweat shop would be one that has adult workers (probably mainly women as factory supervisors tend to find them easier to contain) and a child sweat shop would be one wih child wrkers.

Where did child labor start?

In the United States of America Child Labor originated in Asia, such as sweat shops and child neglect.

Where are sweat shops found?

sweat shops are in lots of countries and there in england and america ghana

What age can you be to work in a sweat shop?

Well, in the Asian areas most associated with sweat shops their are no laws limiting child labour. As a hiring manager it is up to the companies to decided the useful knowledge of employees. It has been reported that in some cases children are hired because they are small enough to squeeze in and out of the machines. So to answer your question the youngest children to be hired in a sweat shop could be as young as three.

What kind of child labor is happening today in the U.S.?

There are still children working in the fields and in the illegal sweat shops.

How much percentage of Nike clothing is made in America?

Nike clothing is made in sweat shops in 3rd world countries because the material is cheaper there and you can pay the workers less (child labour mainly). Only 5 % of Nike clothing is made in America (not including footwear).

What challenges do fashion designers face?

Fashion designers must overcome huge barriers in fashion such as child labour, deciding whether or not to use sweat shops for creating products, animal slaughter and also if the want to be truly made by their country using the countries ow product or produce.

Do Bonds use sweat shops?


Are sweat shops illegal?

It depends on how you define 'sweat shop'. A general definition is "a working environment considered to be unacceptably difficult or dangerous". Usually the sweat shop will be operating in contravention of one or more laws depending upon where it is. Such laws include child labour, minimum wage and work safety laws, amongst others. The U.S. General Accounting Office defines a sweat shop as "an employer that violates more than one federal or state labor law governing minimum wage and overtime, child labor, industrial homework, occupational safety and health, worker's compensation or industry regulation." Therefore by that definition a sweat shop is always 'illegal'.

How do they get treated in sweat shops?

like slaves

Are sweat shops legal in the US?

hecks no .