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yes he dies in the nuclear blast

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Q: Does sgt Jackson die in modern warfare one?
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Does Gaz die in modern warfare 1?

If you are not one for spoilers, look away. Yes he does

Is there going to be a prequel to call of duty modern warfare?

So far in the Modern Warfare Series, there has been Modern Warfare One and Modern Warfare Two. A third is coming out in November.

Which one is first Call of Duty 4 or modern warfare?

well call of duty and modern warfare are the same it is called Call of Duty: Modern warfare and then came call of duty: modern warfare 2

Are they coming out with a modern warfare movie?

I have not see anything about one based on the game. There are of course many movies on Modern Warfare The Hurt Locker was a recent one that showed a new different form of modern warfare that soldiers are facing

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Well modern warfare 4 is unknown could come out 2013 or 2014 but i got modern warfare 3 which is better than ghost so get modern warfare 3 The title's are actually Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 released in November 2011 and Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare a game released 4 years earlier in November 2007. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 released November 2009

Will museum be in modern warfare 3?

If you're talking about the museum level from Modern Warfare 2, then probably not. That was a one time thing.

How do you go to combat training in Modern Warfare 3?

There isn't one in Modern Warfare 3. That was only in Black Ops. Sorry. :(

Is there a follow up 2 modern warfare 2?

There are very few plans at this point in time about a Modern Warfare 3, but you can guarantee there will be a third one.

Is captian price in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

in cod4 modern warfare 2 in one mission he pops out and you see him yes:he is alive

How many modern warfare games are there?

There will be 3 with the release of Modern Warfare 3 in November 8 2011 Unless you also count Modern Warfare Mobilized for the Nintendo DS and Modern Warfare Reflex Edition for the Nintendo Wii

Is cod modern warfare 2 the same as the 4th one?

Modern Warfare 2 is made by the same developers as the fourth Call of Duty (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare), but is not the same game. Both games are modern so some parts may be the same.

What does the last mission briefing on modern warfare say?

Which one?