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No it makes no difference.

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Q: Does shaving pubic hair make it grow thicker?
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Do razers make your hair grow back thicker if your a woman?

Shaving does not "make your hair grow back thicker".

How do you get more hair on the chin?

I'd say start shaving early, then it will grow thicker

Do girls pubic hair grow faster after shaving than boys?

female pubic hair grows more, because it is damp down there and is an ideal environment for growth

If you shave your leg does the hair get bigger?

No that's a myth. Shaving is a nusiance because the hair does seem to grow back thicker.

Would a female's leg hair grow longer and thicker if you keep on shaving?

Yes,that's a fact.

Does trimming of hair helps it to grow?

No. Cutting hair will not help it grow, nor will shaving make hair grow in thicker. Hair grows at varying rates depending on changes in internal body chemistry.

When you shave your pubic hairs will they be spiky forever?

No, when you shave your pubic hair the hair does not stay spikey forever. The hair will grow in spikey because it was cut during shaving so this leaves a blunt end, but as hair grows it may soften. Once you stop shaving the hairs will start to grow back in naturally, thus not spikey either.

Does yawning cause leg hair to grow?

No. Yawning does not cause leg hair to grow. What does cause leg hair to grow (either thicker or darker) is shaving, genetics, and your overall hormones in your body.

If you shave your chest hair will it grow back thicker?

Yes, it will grow back thicker and darker. But shaving your chest itches very badly.

Im only 27 my Hair is thinning on top would it help to shave my hair short would it come back thicker?

No, shaving your head won't make the hair grow back thicker.

Where does hair grow on girls when going threw puberty?

The pubic hair grow during puberty. Hair in under arms is also common. Also body hair become a bit thicker.

Is armpit hair removal for girls before puberty intensifies hair?

Shaving does NOT make hair grow back heavier or thicker. My wife and I have been shaving our pubic hair for years. Our pubic hair has actually gotten lighter and finer; it takes less maintenance that when we started years ago. My wife shaves her legs and underarms. The hair is barely visible and is also finer. Sometimes parents say these things in the hopes of keeping our children as young children. Tell your mother it embarrasses you to be hairy. I'm sure she shaves.