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yes it does cause if one spot gets it it will spread unless taken care of

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Q: Does sheet metal expand when it rusts and if so how much?
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Does the size of an object affect how much it rusts?

No,the type of metal is the only thing that effects this.:)

How much will a metal pipe expand in heat?

This is different for different metals.

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Why does iron rust?

Iron rusts when it comes in contact with too much water

What is the R-Value of steel sheet metal?

The R-value of steel sheet metal is relatively low, usually ranging from 0.02 to 0.04 per inch. This means that steel sheet metal is not a very effective insulator and does not provide much resistance to heat transfer. Additional insulation such as foam or other materials is typically needed to improve the thermal efficiency of structures made from steel sheet metal.

How much do sheet metal workers make in North Carolina?

Sheetmetal Journeymen payscale is $20.85.

What does mean recess head rivet nut?

I think you are referring to a method of locating a nut in a piece of sheet metal. A rivet head nut is a nut with has a small projection not much thicker than the sheet metal to which you intend to fit it. This projection fits through a pre made hole in the sheet metal, and the small projection is peened over (deformed by hammering) to fix the nut to the sheet.

When metal burns it..........?

Typically when a metal 'burns', what is happening is that it is getting hot enough for it to react and form a bond with the oxygen in the atmosphere. This is almost identical to what happens when metal rusts, but on a much shorter time scales because of the higher energies involved. In other words, the metal is forming a chemical bond with the oxygen in the air.

How long does it take for a 3 by 0.5 by 3 piece of metal to rust?

The speed at which a given piece of metal rusts depends upon the type of metal it is - pure iron rusts much faster than most iron alloys - as well as exposure to water and other rust catalysts. Furthermore, the dimensions that you give, 3 by 0.5 by 3, don't mean anything unless you give units, such as, 3 inches, or 3 centimeters, or 3 feet, etc. The dimensionless number does not describe the size of a piece of metal.

Why would a nail at the bottom of a pond not rust as much as a nail in a shed?

Rust is oxidisation, so in a pond, not as much oxygen can react with the metal as it can in open air. Many people think that metal rusts because it is wet, but this is untrue. even nails that have never even been wet, will rust.