

Does skin transport oxygen

Updated: 8/21/2019
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What are the blood cells that transport oxygen?

red blood cells transport oxygen :)

Are proteins necessary to transport oxygen to body?

A protein (hemoglobin) is required to transport Oxygen around the body.

What does blood transport?

blood transport oxygen around the body

What type of cells contain hemoglobin and transport oxygen?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin and transport oxygen

Is oxygen passive transport?

well oxygen isn't a transport system it is something that can be diffused across the membranes of cells.

When oxygen is not present?

there is no oxygen present in the electron transport system.

When oxygen not present?

there is no oxygen present in the electron transport system.

How can you justify the disappearance of oxygen as a measure of electron transport?

In the electron transport chain Oxygen is the final electron acceptor. Also the Oxygen accepts 2 Hydrogen ions, making water in the process. The dissapearance of Oxygen shows that the electron transport chain is working and that Oxygen is doing its job.

Erythrocytes transport oxygen and serve to?

It is to carry oxygen from the lungs to tissue around the body.

Do lunges transport oxygen to tissues?

Lunges primarily work the muscles in the legs and buttocks, helping to build strength and endurance in those areas. The cardiovascular system is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues, and activities like aerobic exercises, such as running or swimming, are more effective at improving oxygen delivery to tissues throughout the body.

The final acceptor of electrons in the electron transport chain is?


Why white cells do not have haemoglobin?

Leucocytes don't contain haemoglobin because function of haemoglobin is to transport Oxygen and WBCs don't have to transport Oxygen.