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Q: Does smoking increase oxygen to the brain and widens blood vessels?
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What is the increase of diameter in a blood vessel called?

Vasodilation: Widening of blood vessels resulting from relaxation of the muscular wall of the vessels. What widens is actually the diameter of the interior (the lumen) of the vessel. The opposite of vasoconstriction.

Why does your reaction time increase when drunk?

Alcohol widens surface blood vessels in the skin. Makes you red and speeds up the activity in your mucuous membranes.

How does nitroglycerin help heart patients?

Its a coronary vasodilator(widens vessels) for treatment of angina pectoris (usually a result of lack of oxygen to the heart muscle i.e. atherosclerosis where plaques form on the inner wall of the arteries restricting blood flow.

How does Nimodipine work?

Nimodipine is in a group of drugs called calcium channel blockers. Nimodipine relaxes (widens) blood vessels and improves blood flow by blocking cacium absoption.

Why does brandy warm you up?

Alcohol widens the blood vessels, which lets more blood into the skin (makes you blush a little). This extra blood flow is what makes you feel warm.

How does smoking affect your ears?

actually it really does because it messes up the natural balance your ears give you , but only when you first start smoking cigarettes, because that's when you get dizzy when your used to the nicotine then NO. but PLEASE STOP WHILE YOU CAN! i started smoking at 13 and im 17 now and i really am trying sooo hard to quit i mean i went from a pack a day to 10 cigs a day and that's so hard for me it really is the hardest thing I've ever attempted to do ! your choice good luck xoxo becka!

How does river width increase?

Please rephrase - the question is unclear.

What is the colored part of the eye that narrows and widens?

The iris is the coloured part of the eye, but it's the pupil that narrows and widens.

How does political culture affect political communication and political participation?

political culture affect political communication and participaton by enhancing the poilitical aparthy discouraged and by making provision in the constituition that is being allowed for the establishment and increase of political education of the citizens and widens the choice of political programmes and manifestoes. political culture affect political communication and participaton by enhancing the poilitical aparthy discouraged and by making provision in the constituition that is being allowed for the establishment and increase of political education of the citizens and widens the choice of political programmes and manifestoes. political culture affect political communication and participaton by enhancing the poilitical aparthy discouraged and by making provision in the constituition that is being allowed for the establishment and increase of political education of the citizens and widens the choice of political programmes and manifestoes. political culture affect political communication and participaton by enhancing the poilitical aparthy discouraged and by making provision in the constituition that is being allowed for the establishment and increase of political education of the citizens and widens the choice of political programmes and manifestoes.

Why do you keep angicid tablet beneath your tongue?

The Angicid tablet is cardiac vasodilator it means that it widens the blood vessels. In case of Severe heart problem keeping it under your tongue widens the vessels. You should keep it beneath your tongue because there is a rich supply of capillaries beneath your tongue so it is absorbed fastly in your blood stream. If you use the other route i.e. the oral intake it will be a greatly time consuming because the tablet will have to go to your stomach first and than to your liver and lastly into your blood this makes the bioavailability of the drug less. stream so it is a better process to keep it under your tongue.

What is it that widens for women so that the child can emerge?

the cervix.

What happens as blog's audience grows?

its influence widens.