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Q: Does smoking promote cartilage degeneration
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What body systems would be affected by degeneration or cartilage in joints?

Cartilage is from the skeletal system.

What is endplate lipping?

The endplate is part of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. Lipping is bulging of this area of the disc due to degeneration or scoliosis.

What is a smooth tissue which protects the bone from wearing away?

Cartilage is a soft tissue that insulates and protects bones from one another. The wearing of knee cartilage or chondromalacia is caused by the degeneration and loss of soft cartilage tissue. Healthy cartilage protects the knee joint from such wear, and future osteo-arthritic conditions.

Osteoarthritis is a disease of the?

Degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. Its basically a joint disease.

What is knee degeneration?

A knee is formed of a cartilage structure where bones of the upper part of the leg meet those of the lower part, knee degeneration takes place when damage or ware takes place to this cartilage structure either caused by physical reasons e.g; being obese to actually constrain your knee through your own weight, or through degenerative progressive bone/ cartilage diseases e.g. rheumatoid arthritis , chondromalacia patellae .

Do you have the same amount of cartilage in your body all your life?

- Cartilage cushions joints and helps them move smoothly and easily. A lifetime of walking, exercising, and moving takes a toll on your cartilage. ... 27 million American adults over the age of 25have osteoarthritis. ... The degeneration of cartilage can cause chronic inflammation in the joint. ... The Aging Body.

Who first diagnosed Chondromalacia?

1928 - Büdinger 3 first described retropatellar cartilage changes, but it was Aleman 1 who introduced the term chondromalacia in 1928. Chondromalacia has been used improperly to describe the syndrome of patellofemoral pain. Articular cartilage degeneration is just one ...Büdinger first described retropatellar cartilage changes, but it was Aleman who introduced the term chondromalacia in 1928. Chondromalacia has been used improperly to describe the syndrome of patellofemoral pain. Articular cartilage degeneration is just one of the many possible causes of patellofemoral pain. Chondromalacia actually means "soft cartilage" and is a pathologic description of changes seen on articular cartilage. Many authors have developed classification (source Google Search)

What type of cells form cartilage?

Hyaline Cartilage is made up of collagen fibers and chondrocytes in lacuna which promote the formation of the matrix. Hyaline Cartilage is the most abundant type of connective tissue that is found in the body.

What is osteoarthiritis?

degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. It causes pain and stiffness, esp. in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.

Why does smoking cause macular degeneration?

Smoking is the single most controllable risk factor that contributes to the development of macular degeneration.Every cigarette you smoke is causing damage to your vision. Macular degeneration and smoking have many health implications for the eyes.√ Smoking causes vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) which affects the blood supply to the eye and increases your blood pressure which is also a risk factor for macular degeneration.√ Smoking enhances the generation of free radicals which causes cellular damage.√ Smoking decreases the levels of antioxidants (which protect against free radical damage) in the blood circulation, the aqueous humor (the clear liquid between the cornea and the lens) and the tissue surrounding the eye and retina.√ Smoking causes a reduction in macular pigment densityin the fovea (center of the macula). Macular pigment protects the macula from UV and blue light damage.√ Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood so that there is less oxygen being fed to the macula.√ The tar in cigarettes triggers the formation of deposits and thickening in the retina that cause age-related macular degeneration, according to Duke University Medical Center researchers.

What is myocardial degeneration?

Senile myocardial degeneration is degeneration of the heart. Often a heart valve has to be replaced because of this degeneration.

What is senile myocardial degeneration?

Senile myocardial degeneration refers to age-related changes in the structure and function of the heart, particularly in elderly individuals. These changes may include fibrosis, stiffening of the heart muscle, and alterations in the conduction system of the heart. It can lead to decreased cardiac function and an increased risk of heart-related conditions.